“I think it’s going to be a really special day, too.”
I glanced around at my bed. The covers were rumpled and twisted.
Cody would have slinked out sometime before dawn the way he’d done each morning since I wasn’t ready to explain to my daughter why he was sleeping in my room.
I didn’t want to confuse her.
Didn’t want to set her up for any disappointment or pain, even though I knew that was exactly where I had myself.
Lost to the words he’d issue with his lips pressed to the side of my head. Lost to the way he’d murmur praises into my sleep in the seconds before he’d sneak out my door.
Don’t know how I got so lucky, waking up next to you.
You are the most incredible woman I’ve ever met.
Gorgeous. Sexy. Kind and strong.
I’m going to be right for you.
I fought the fizz of guilt that churned in my stomach.
I would never. I promise you, Brooke. I would never do that to you.
I pushed it down into the crypt I kept for her, praying that one day that sick feeling would evaporate.
I didn’t want to look at Cody and feel shame. Not for the way I felt.
But how could I forget her? That promise? What had happened?
And it was because of me.
Maddie jumped to her feet, jostling me all over and tugging at my hand. “Hurry it up, lazy pants.”
I cleared the roughness from my throat and pasted a smile on my face. “You know we’re not supposed to be at my friend’s ranch until three o’clock, right?”
“Um, yeah, Mommy, which means we gotta get ready!”
It wasn’t even quite seven, but I relented and let her haul me out of bed.
She had ahold of my left hand, dragging me across the room. With my right, I did my best to try to sort out the bedhead I was sure to be sporting considering the way Cody had been fisting it last night.
She led me out into the main room. Rays of sunlight streamed in through the windows, ribbons of gold threaded with hope looping through the space, the warmth so distinct it hit me like an embrace.
Like I was walking straight into a mesmerizing dream.
And that’s what it felt like—a dream with the man standing in the kitchen, wearing sweats and a fitted tee, his feet bare, his rugged face so handsome with his short beard and his harsh brow.
He tilted me that smirk he always met me with. The one that tied my stomach in a thousand jittery knots.
Maddie beamed as she presented me like a gift. “Look it! I got her for you, Mr. Cody, because you said you needed her real bad.”
“You want me, huh?” I wheezed it, barely able to speak.
I was hanging onto Maddie’s hand like she was the lifeline when I was so close to getting swept away.
“That’s right, I do.” He said it low and smooth, and his head was cocked to the side as he crossed the three steps it took to bring him to me. There was no hesitation in the action, just a glint in those golden eyes as he reached out and grabbed me by the cheek and dipped down to kiss me.
Close mouthed, though it sent shockwaves trembling through my body.