“Is this okay? Did I hurt you?” I ask, looking up at her face as she fully seats herself.
“It was perfect. Don’t you dare stop,” she says, and I grin when she begins to rock her hips in small, teasing movements.
“Oh, I won’t, don’t you worry.” I grip her hips and thrust up into her.
She gasps, and I know I’ve hit her g-spot when she throws her head back, gripping my shoulders while I continue to drive myself up into her. I feel my balls tighten when she pulses around me once again, and after two more thrusts, we come at the same time. Our moans mingle together before she collapses forward into me, burying her face into my neck while we struggle to breathe.
“Fuck,” I say, my voice shaking, and she laughs, her lips brushing against my throat before she sits back and looks down at me.
“So… You like the outfit, then?”
“As far as I’m concerned, Little B, you will be wearing this and only this any time we are in this apartment alone from now on,” I say with a smirk, and she grins before leaning down and kissing me softly.
“I think I can arrange that,” she whispers against my lips.
I am shocked when I feel my cock stir again.
She sits back and arches an eyebrow at me. “My, my, JJ, so eager. Ready for round two already?” She swirls her hips a little, and I groan when my hips thrust up of their own accord.
“Seriously, you are going to be the death of me,” I say when she begins rocking in earnest and before I know it, I’m hard again and off we go.
After finally eating the dinner that Jake had made earlier, we collapse onto the couch, and Jake puts on a movie. He pulls me into his side after he stretches out on the chaise section, and I nestle my head against his chest while we tangle our legs together.
“I can’t tell if I like you better like this or naked,” he says, running his fingers up and down my spine, and I shiver when he pauses to trace along the band of the lace underwear that I’m still wearing.
“I definitely like you naked,” I murmur, flicking the band of his boxers.
He chuckles and covers my hand with his, lacing his fingers with mine and holding them against his rock-hard stomach. He kisses my temple softly, and we snuggle into each other while watching the movie quietly. Although I have no idea what is going on, my mind swirls with thoughts.
Is snuggling like this crossing the friends-with-benefits line? Is this too couply? This feels couply… But Jake and I have always been affectionate towards each other, albeit with more clothes on…
I know he would happily be more if I allowed it, but am I ready for another relationship yet, even if it was with someone as perfect as him? Not to mention how Morgan would react if she found out what we’ve been up to.
But I’ve had more fun than I’ve had in ages with Jake these past few weeks, even more so in this last week with all of the flirty texts, phone sex and the best sex I’ve ever had. I’ve had butterflies in my stomach at just the thought of being with him, knowing how skilled he is at getting my body to sing for him.
“You doing okay?” His whispered words in my ear cause me to jump, and I realise I’ve missed most of the movie while I ran through everything in my head.
“Fine,” I reply, hugging him tighter, and he resumes lightly tickling my back.
“You sure? Cause I’m pretty sure I can hear your brain whirring right now.”
I move up slightly so that our faces are level and find his eyes on me. He has a slight smile on his lips.
“I’m sure. Just… going through everything in my head. I don’t want this to screw up anything between us…” I say, and he tangles his fingers in the hair at the nape of my neck, massaging my tight muscles gently.
“We won’t let it get to a point where it ruins our friendship. We’re grown-ups and capable of speaking up if something happens. But I like getting naked with you. And I really want to continue getting naked with you. I’m pretty sure you like naked time just as much as I do, too,” he says, bringing his lips to my throat while he gently pulls my head back.
I whimper a little when he kisses his way up to my ear and lightly bites my ear lobe before pulling away and looking at me again.
“I won’t pressure you to do anything you don’t want to do, Bri. The second you say stop, this ends, and we go back to how we were before, okay?”
I place a hand on his chest. “I know you would never push for more than I’m prepared to give, Jake. And I’m so incredibly grateful for that. I’ve never been with anyone who respected my decisions and desires before, but I know I don’t have to worry about that with you.”