I wasn’t sure what made me decide to keep quiet, but the decision wasmade at the lastminute. “No, I couldn’t,” I said casually. “I guess I’m just missing it.” Shrugging, Ipassed him the copies, ignoringthe self-satisfied smirk that crossed his face. He hadn’t expected a chick to find anything.
“Don’t worry about it, sugar. I’m sure you tried your best.” He gave me a wink that made me want to vomit.
I smiledand nodded, gritting my teeth to hold back the sharp retort thatwantedto escape. “I did try,” I added.
He grunted in response,turning away to shuffle off to who knows where. I watched him go, feelingfrustratedat his dismissive attitude toward women in general. I had always hated men like him, who instantly dismissed me. Who thought I didn’t have any value other than my pretty face, tits, and a hole for their dick. I still bit the words back that I wanted to shove down his throat. Even though it suited my purposeperfectly, I hated every second of it.
Once he was gone, I exhaledslowlyand glanced down at the second ledger copy in my hand. Before Rabbit had come back, I made another set for myself. I had my computer spreadsheet that I made, which was more important than anything else. The discrepancy I spotted earlier gnawed at me.I was not saying it was Rabbit, but I did not know it wasn’t either.There was also the possibility that he could alert whoever was behind the embezzlement. Maybe they were working together. Whoever itwas,that was something that Maddox could sort out.
It was better to wait until I talked to Maddox first. I didn’t know Rabbit, andthe idea that someone had been stealing from the club for so long wasn’t something I wanted to share with a stranger.
Determined, I returnedto my room and left the papers behind my old desk calendar.Tucking the corners back in just in case someone went looking for them.
I couldn’t wait for the afternoon to come so we could head out to the road and the ride I’d been jonesing for.Unableto help myself, Ichecked again on Helena,ensuring she was safely ensconcedin the office center, working with the club books.To besafe, I tasked two brothers who were staying back toensureshe was safe.
There’d been no sightings of Makarovich or any of his men in town, but I didn’t want to take chances. Still, I felt weird about leaving her alone.I would have considered taking her with me if I was doing anything other than meeting Pike for this arrangement.
As I revved up my motorcycle, the thunderous roar of the engine drowned out the thoughts swirling in my mind. Tonight, more than ever, I needed the open road and the company of my crew. The wind bit at my cheeks as we snaked through the city streets, the light just starting to paint streaks of color across the asphalt.
With each turn, I felt the tension of the day melt away. Something about the ride and the camaraderie of the Brotherhood soothed my soul.
Beneath the surface, I couldn’t shake the weight of the upcoming meeting with Pike and the Cobras. Negotiating with rival clubs was always a delicate dance, but this time felt different. The stakes were higher, the tension palpable.Thiswas more than a negotiation; this was an agreement for more…for a partnership. There was a lot at stake.Even though Dimitri had made his phone call toMaxim, we were in a little better shape regarding the situation with Helena. We could still use the firepower from the Cobras if needed.
I couldn’t help but let my mind wander back to the clubhouse.When I left, everyone wason edge astheyprepared for the after-party, whichtheyassumedwas a given of whattheyhoped would be a successful outcome.I had agreed that we’d host the Cobras at the club. Even the girlswere hypedby the thought of good tips and a good party.
"Hey, Maddox, you ready for this?" Jake, one of the brothers, shouted over the roar of the engines as we approached the meeting spot, a smirk playing on his lips. There was no doubt that the outcome of this meeting would shape much of the future of the Iron Brotherhood MC. However, whatever happened tonight, I’d face it head-on. I was ready.
I nodded, my grip tightening on the handlebars. "Hell yeah."
The warehouse section was dark in Morinrock. It was still sunny but dusty and dull. It was the sort of Arizona town that was deteriorating before our very eyes in the heat and sun. I’d never really liked it here. Granted, having grown upthere, I admitted to having a deep-seated hatred of the town.Thiswas an old haunt of mine and Pike’s, so we agreed upon it as a meeting spot.I did make a point of coming early to scope out our spot.
Slidingoff mybike,I gathered my brothers around me. "Remember, to keep your wits about you. We can't afford any slip-ups tonight,” I said sternly. “No drawing weapons. We are the cooler heads here. No bullshit.” I aimed that comment at Dimitri, who I almost didn’t bring.He hada historywith Pike’s group that wasn’t the best, but honestly, I couldn’t affordnot to bring him.
“We got it, prez; thisisn’t our first rodeo,” Tiny popped off. I rolled my eyes at him but didn’t answer and watched him impassively as he dismounted his Harley. Tiny wasn’t a small man by anyone’s descriptors. He was a ginger giant of a man who had trouble finding helmets to accommodate his large head. Hewas one of the club’s favorites.
“Sure, keepin’ it chill,” Dimitri said.It was the last thingIbelieved,that Dimitri had any chill factor.That wasn’ttrue,I suppose – he was all ice on the outside and fire and fury on the inside, waitingto explode on your ass like a volcano. Fuck I was poetic.
Hovering around ourbikes,we struck cigarettes and bullshitted while we waited. Pike was an asshole enough to make us sweat a little, which was fine. I’d rather wait and be ready than arrive in an unknown situation, but I hated waiting.
Pike had kept close to the state but had done some serious time in the stateprisonwhile I was in the military.Prettysure it was for assault and then another stint for drug trafficking, but he was never a choir boy. He was stockier than I was, but he had aged well. I ignored the tightening in my gut and that sour taste in the back of my throat as the Cobras rode up.
"Maddox," Pike greeted me with a nod.
"Pike," I replied, keeping my tone neutral. "Nice to see you.” Tossing my cigarette down into thedirt,I ground it with the heel of my boot. “How are you?” Not sure that I gave a shit.
“Good fucker, good.” His smile was easy as he came forward to slap my back in a loose embrace. “Long time no see, man.”
“Sure, good to see you.” My reply was stiff even to my ears, but I forced my shoulders to relax.
If my men were surprised by Pike’s familiarity, they didn’t show it, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Dimitri remained stiff and still, ready in case shit went sidewise. Out of everyone, he was privy to my history with Pike, although I hadn’t entirelygone as deep into detail as I should have. Heknewwe had grown up in the foster care system together. I thought that was enough. When he’d given up the information about his background and the connection to the Bratva, I’d had to reciprocate at least a little.
“Let's get down to businessandget to the party waiting for us,” I said, gesturing for him to move with me to the side where we would have some semblance of privacy.
And so, we began to hammer out terms, each word filled with tension. Negotiating terms had gone on for years now between the two clubs, but it had only beenrecentlythat we’d come close. The deal was as good as made, andboth Pike and I knew that.