Page 25 of Saving Helena

Finally, Pike settled, “I’m happy with that. Cobras will agree.”

The terms were steep, and we hadconcessions. We’d split drug runs, includingthe profits, throughtheir territory, andwe gained their protection. The Cobras would also give us their contacts for weapons south of the border, somethingwehad been envious of for a while now. In return, we would reciprocate through our territory. We’d also provide them a meet and greet with our Triad contact in Los Angeles, something we’d been hesitant to do.

Looking at themen, I gauged things and got a few nods, including one from Dimitri.

Finally, I stepped forward and clasped Pike’s hand.

“The Brotherhood agrees.” I hope I haven’t made a mistake after I saw the satisfied smirk that crossed his lips at the last minute. Fuck.



The agreement between the two clubs had everyone buzzing with excitement, eager to celebrate the newfound alliance and the promise of an influx of cash.But beneath the surfacewas an undercurrent of tension, a sense of unease lingering in the air.I didn’t mistake the danger it brought, but there was no way forward nowbut through.

Hurryingthrough theclub, I made my way through the crowded floor; my priority was to find Helena. She’d been on my mind since I left, andeven through the meeting with Pike, I’d felt my mind wander to thoughts of her. What had she been getting up to while I was gone? Was she alright? Had she found anything in the books? Did she change her nail polish?

I found her in the kitchen with Jillian, leaning over serving platters and fussing. Taking a moment to soak it in, her in my space, home where she belonged.

“Babe, trust me on this. The guyslove the celery sticks.” As she spoke to Jillian, Helena leaned over the buffet table, layinga plate of cut-up vegetables near the buffalo wings. She wasn’t wrong; we seemed fond of celery around these parts for some reason. The Brotherhood, especially Dimitri, would riot ifitweren’tservedwith their wings.

“That’s pretty weird, not going to lie.” Jillian laughed as she continued to scoop chips into monster-sized bowls.

Helena’s shoulders shook with laughter. “That’s the very least of their weirdness, Jillian, honestly. That’s pretty normal stuff. I’ll bet that Amber still makes her special hot ham and cheese for Christmas that she serves with cranberry jelly.”

“She does,” I answered as I finally gave in and moved towards her. She’d changed into jeans that looked like she had gotten them from a thrift shop. They had holes in them, were faded, and so baggy that they had to be cinched tight at her tiny waist. Somehow, she still managed to make them look fashionable.A vintage t-shirt was tiedhigh and tight on her waist, high enough to show a thin ribbon of skin. I wasn’t sure I liked that with all the Cobra members coming in. Peering ather,I thought I saw – rainbow dinosaurs.

“Are you wearing dinosaur earrings?” I asked, stunned. Where did she find this stuff?

“Hey, Maddox. We’re just getting all set up for the party.” She gave me a goofy grin and twirled one of her earrings with a fingertip. Dangling from her lobes were indeed tiny dinosaurs. Stegosaur, ifI wasn’t mistaken. “Yep, dinosaurs tonight.”

“I like them.”I was rewardedwith a sparkling grin. To match, itlooked likeher nails were paintedwith little rainbows. Fuck she was crazy as a loon. I loved it.

“Come with me, princess. I need you for a minute.”

“Bye,you crazy kids,” Jillian called as we exited the kitchen.

I couldn’t say I feltterribleleaving Jillian to the setup. Prettysoon, other folks would be by to help out. I needed Helena to myself more than my conscience was nagging me to mind my presidential duties. Tugging Helena towards thebackroom, I shut her into my bedroom and pulled her onto the bed.

“Phew, I just wanted to hold you.”Wrapping hertightly, I indulged myself, ignoringthat she probably wanted an explanation.To mysurprise, she didn’t seem to need any encouragement. She lay against me, boneless, relaxing into me.

“Good. I’d rather be here than setting up the buffet table anyway,” she admitted.

“I have high standards to meet, baby. Set the bar higher,” I joked. Her hair was down tonight, and I marveled again at the colors in her long blond waves. Threading my fingers throughthem,I pushed my hands through her hair.

“You know I can see so many shades of color in your hair, princess—thecolorofbrown and gold. But there are so many colors of gold. Sunflowers, daffodils, sunshine, honey, and bees. Some strands are darker like mangos or even light like cream.” I rubbed a few strands through my fingers, moving my eyes to her face. Her blue eyeswere stuckto mine.

“What else do you see?”

“Some are dark brown like whiskey or the color of leaves that are just ready to fall.I thought about asking you to color your hair, but Icouldn’tbear it.”

“I’d color it if you told me to.” Her leg comes up to push over my hips, pulling our bodies closer.

“I know, princess.”

“How was your day, Maddox?” She makes it sound like the most normal thing in the world like she was a wife and I’d come home from a desk job.

“It was a good baby. We made progress.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and tugged lightly on one of her rainbow stegosaurus earrings. “The Cobra deal went through, so I’ll talk to Pike tonight about outsiders being in town that we’ll need to watch out for.” I leaned back a little as I watched her. She was a study in contradictions, still so young, but she wasn’t naïve. I thought about what went on today and what I’d learned – how I wanted to share that information with her.