
We leave the grow room not too long later, walking hand in hand. I feel fucking weird, holding her hand like this, but it’s too right to stop.

That’s when we find Ezra leaning up against the wall across from my office.

He looks over, a tight frown on his face. His eyes glance down at our hands and back up as something like rage crosses his expression.

“Ezra,” I say, stepping forward and dropping Lizzie’s hand.

“Are you fucking my sister?” he growls at me.

I take a sharp breath. “It’s not that simple.”

“You fucking cunt,” he roars, coming at me.

“Ezra!” Lizzie screams and steps up in front of me, putting herself between us. Ezra growls and shoves her aside, slamming her head into the wall. She crumples down to the ground, groaning and touching her skull where it impacted.

My vision goes red. I know that’s a cliché, but it’s literally true in my case. Ezra tries to tackle me, but I throw him off, smashing him into the wall. I slam my fist into his face once, twice, making him stumble. He hits me back but I barely feel it as I grab his arms and throw him over my hip and onto the ground.

I get on top of him, growling like an animal. Blood drips from my face, and I guess he broke my nose, but I can’t feel it. I smash my fist into his meaty face again, and again, and Ezra’s groaning underneath me, but I can’t stop until I feel a pair of hands on me, pulling me away.

“Stop, Jonas, stop.” It takes me a second to realize that it’s Lizzie, pulling me off her brother. “You’ll kill him.”

Ezra groans, still conscious and still alive. I pull myself away from him and stand up, shrugging Lizzie off.

“Can you hear me?” I ask him, crouching down next to his face.

“Fuck you,” he grunts.

“You’re scum,” I say. “Just like Royal.”

He tries to spit at me, but I move out of the way. I stare down at him as he pulls himself into a sitting position.

“I’m buying you out of Half Pipe,” I say. “I’m giving you back your original investment plus twenty percent, which is way more than you fucking deserve.”

“Fuck you,” he says. “Fuck both of you.”

“You’ll take the money and sign the papers. Because if you don’t, I’ll fucking kill you.” I crouch in front of him again, meeting his eye. “You know that, right? You know I’ll do it.”

He meets my gaze for a few seconds, and I stare right into his soul. He knows me, and he knows what I’m capable of. I may have softened and gone legit, but there’s still an angry, dangerous man inside of me just begging to get loose. He knows what I’m capable of. He’s seen it.

“Fine,” he says. “But I get the apartment. You move you. And bring your whore with you.”

I stand. “Gladly. Call her a whore again though and I break a finger.”

He winces and looks away. I sigh and turn to Lizzie. “You okay?” I ask her.

She nods, horror on her face. “I’m fine.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. You didn’t… he started it.”

I nod once and take her hand, pulling her away. We leave Ezra sitting there, bleeding from his face. People are filtering into the hall now as I push past them.

“Jonas, you okay?” Lane looks concerned as we pass the café.

“Fine. Make sure Ezra gets looked at.”