She nods as we move past her and outside. Lizzie clings to my hand, hurrying to keep up.

“What are we going to do?” she asks.

“We’re going back to the apartment and we’re going to pack.” I stop and face her, hands on her shoulders. “You don’t have to come with me. You can leave if you want, and I wouldn’t blame you, after seeing that. I told you, Lizzie, I’m a bad man. But… I won’t hurt you. I can promise that. I won’t ever put my hands on you.”

She nods slowly. “I know you won’t.”

“Good. I’m going to get what I can and head to a hotel. From there I’ll find a new apartment. You can come, if you want.”

“I’ll come.” The words are almost whispered. She steps closer, puts her fingers tentatively on my nose, a little smile peeking out from the corners of her mouth. “Think it’s broken?”

“It’s broken,” I say.

“Better heal straight.” She grins even more. “You’ll be pretty ugly if it doesn’t.”

I grin at her, head cocked. “Not the first time I’ve had my nose broken and I bet it ain’t the last.”

She laughs softly and kisses me. I pull her tighter, and together we walk to my Jeep, get in, and slam the doors shut. She puts her hand on mine as I start the engine and we pull off, top down, wind in our hair.