Page 51 of The Naughty Virgin



The cold night air seemed to knock sobriety back into me. Damnit! I wanted to be tipsy and relaxed, perfect for a night of ogling male bodies. Truth be told, this was exactly what I needed, Celine be damned.

It’s not that I’ve never seen naked men, it’s just that I don’t have a whole lot of experience you know? There are other girls at school who’ve done busloads of dudes, but the ones that I meet are never compelling. They’re more like skinny string beans interested in playing computer games, Dungeons and Dragons, or whatever it is they do.

I’d been at a coffee shop with my boyfriend Danny just last week. It was close to the NYU campus but there was no one around and if you’ve ever been in a New York coffee shop, you know no one is looking at you. People are too absorbed in whatever they’re doing, writing their latest magnum opus, working on their thesis, or just chilling out.

So I’d wanted to experiment a little, maybe push the boundaries a tiny bit. Beneath the table I slipped off my shoe and ran my toes up and down Danny’s ankle.

“Hey,” I cooed. “What are you reading?”

He looked up from his textbook.

“Just something on insects,” he mumbled, looking back down quickly. Danny was studying to be an entomologist.

“Any insects I know of?” I cooed again, rubbing his ankle with my socked foot.

Danny gave me an annoyed look and set his highlighter down.

“Karina, for your information I was studying the praying mantis. Did you know that females eat males after mating?” he asked. “Yeah, that’s right,” he continued dryly. “Women out there are vipers, I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”

My cheeks colored. Where was this coming from? I was just trying to engage in some lighthearted banter and he was accusing me of being a man-eating viper?

“Karina,” he sighed. “You know how New York is. There are five women for every guy, women here are incredibly aggressive. You don’t need to act like everyone else, you know,” he said disdainfully.

Now my cheeks had colored. Was flirting with your boyfriend a crime now?

“I’m not sure what you mean,” I said slowly. “I was just trying to show interest in your work. I mean, our majors don’t exactly overlap.”

“Well don’t,” he said huffily, slamming his book shut. “It’s just coming off as desperate and cheap. Listen, I gotta run, class starts in twenty minutes. Pick this up for me?” he asked, nodding at the coffee.

And I agreed numbly as he packed his bag and took off, hoodie up against the wind.

But I was brought to my senses a mere week later. Danny had been working late at the lab doing who knows what the past week, so I’d figured I’d make a midnight run and deliver some snacks, the poor guy was working so hard.

The building was dark and I clutched the tin of brownies tightly across my chest. God, I hated walking around Manhattan at night despite the fact that the university had stationed sentries everywhere.

With a sigh of relief, I let myself into the biology building. Okay, he’d said his lab was on the fourth floor. The thought of encountering cages of creepy crawlies was disgusting but I’d brave it – for the right guy.

Slowly, I made my way down the hallway. Sure enough, at the end of the polished floor was a rectangle of light. I could hear light music playing and some human voices. I picked up the pace. The sooner I was done the better!

But as I got closer, I realized the voices weren’t exactly talking … it was more like moaning. Moans of “Do it, do me, yeah deeper,” and shit like that. What the hell?

I tiptoed closer and got the shock of my life. Right there, on the lab table with cages of spiders around them, were Danny and his TA Kendra. Kendra was lying back on the polished metal surface, nude except for a pair of red stilettos, her head thrown back, her face a mask of ecstasy as she moaned.

Danny didn’t even notice my shadow at the door, a lascivious smile on his face. He had a handkerchief in his hands and was running the filmy material up and down over Kendra’s bare pussy. The girl twisted underneath him, holding herself open so that he could tease her clit, drenching that wet material with loads of pussy cream.

I gasped but managed to swallow the sound. Danny chuckled deeply, his attention still completely focused on the woman before him and reached for a wand-type object nearby. Oh my god, wasn’t that the thing they used to herd insects into glass jars? It had little pincers at the end, probably to grab particularly stubborn worms.

With a low chuckle, he traced it over Kendra’s pussy and then snapped the pincers onto her clit.

“Aieee!” she screamed. “Fuck! Fuck!” she squealed, her cunny twitching. I could literally see her little clit throb, growing red and inflamed under the pincers. But Danny didn’t release, instead keeping them locked on that hard nub.

With a nasty look, Danny grabbed another wand and with his left hand and ran it deep into the girl’s pussy with a vicious thrust. She almost convulsed with pleasure, her clit stimulated by the tool in his right hand, her cunt fucked hard with the tool in his left.

My so-called boyfriend was completely aroused this entire time, his prick standing up from his hips, dripping with cum as he tortured his entomology TA, Kendra twisting and panting beneath him. Plus, in some sick fantasy foreplay, he was wearing a white lab coat, a pair of goggles pushed up his forehead.