“No problem,” said Caleb.
But it wasn’t so easy.
“Me too!” squealed Jenna. I felt my heart sink. God, no. Please no, not my older sister. But Jenna had already picked up her phone and was running through a list of bars in the area, figuring out hot spots, where the best crowd would likely be. You’d think someone who’d just gotten dumped by their fiancé would be a little more low profile but Jenna was unstoppable and I already knew there was no way we could avoid her.
So we all piled into the twins’ car on our way to some after-party place called Pink.
“Oh there it is!” squealed Jenna, pointing to a pink light mounted on the wall. There were no signs, nothing indicating that there was a club except a few people milling outside, drinks in hand, bathing in the rosy glow.
Cade pulled the sports car over and held the door open for us.
“After you, ladies,” he murmured.
Jenna swanned in, totally sure of herself, blonde hair gleaming in the low lights and I trailed after, unsteady in my heels, not sure exactly how to behave. Hey, at twenty-one I haven’t exactly had a ton of experience clubbing and I was already a little weirded out being with my two soon-to-be stepbrothers.
But the music pulsed and I let myself get wrapped up in the beat. Soon we were dancing, a part of the sweaty, pulsating mass on the floor and I was having a good time.
Both men surrounded me, their forms massive and dark, towering over the crowd, eyeing me watchfully.
“Hey lighten up,” I said, giggling. “I’m twenty-one now, it’s okay.”
“Yeah but you’re our little sister,” said Cade. “There are a ton of guys here, you don’t know what the male/female ratio’s like in the Bay Area.”
I giggled. I’d heard a lot about that. In New York we had the opposite problem – three girls for every guy, so I was tipsy with happiness that the tables were turned, a bunch of dudes for every pretty girl.
A lecherous looking guy slid in between us and danced up to me, wiggling his ass ridiculously, dressed in a leopard print shirt. But before he could say a word, I’d been hauled away, dragged off from the dance floor by my new steps.
“Hey!” I exclaimed. “I’m not ready to leave yet! Besides, where’s Jenna?”
I craned my head around as best I could. I couldn’t locate my sister but Caden cut me off.
“She can take care of herself,” he said abruptly.
“Yeah,” agreed his twin. “This time is for us.”
I was flustered. “But my sister, she’s in there alone,” my voice trailed off.
“She’ll be fine,” growled Cade. “We’re just stepping outside for a moment.”
Oh okay, a smoke break. No worries. Even though I didn’t smoke it was sometimes nice just to clear your head in the chilly night air, get away from the pounding music, enjoy some chit chat with your fellow partygoers. Cade led the way and we stumbled behind a corner into a deserted alleyway, the sounds of other guests still audible in the distance.
“Hey aren’t we going a little far?” I asked breathlessly. The stilettos were making my feet ache and I leaned against the wall for support. “Everyone else is back there.”
“Sure,” said Cade. “But there’s a reason we wanted you with us.” And he took my lips in his, tracing the seam of my mouth before parting that ruby redness with an insistent tongue.
“Mmmph!” I shrieked, pushing against his chest. This was my brother! What was he thinking? But I only succeeded in pushing myself back into Caleb’s embrace, the big men sandwiching me between them, their groins against me, two hard, massive muscular chests like boards squeezing me tight.
“Wait,” I gasped breathlessly. “So you remember me from Vegas?”
The twins shared a wordless look before turning their attention back to me.
“Sister, we remember you alright,” drawled Cade.
“Maybe a little too well,” said the other. “And we’re here to remember you … again,” he finished, licking a trail up my throat.
Oh god. The twins that I’d been dreaming about. The hot ones who had fucked each other, and here I was with them again, my soon-to-be-steps.
“Wha- what are we doing exactly?” I stammered.