Page 57 of The Naughty Virgin



“Mom, no!” I gasped. “I can’t wear that.”

“Why not?” she begged. “It’s cute and I want you looking extra-nice at dinner with my fiancé and his sons.”

“Ma, no,” I said, shaking my head at the glittery mini-dress. “It’s not me.” My style is hardly prudish, but the mini-dress … it was silver lamé, strapless, and short. Like ridiculously short, like I’d need to keep my napkin in my lap the whole time type of short.

“Karina, please honey, for me,” my mom begged. “You know what Jenna’s like, I’ve got to make amends to my fiancé and his family.”

I sighed. My older sister Jenna, and the trouble she caused. We were headed to a meet and greet with Harold and his boys, but this wasn’t the Brady bunch gathering. I guess a couple months back they’d had some kerfuffle, something about my older sister Jenna dating his son Jake, but then the whole thing blew up when Jake decided to marry my other sister Tina. It was complicated and frankly, I didn’t want to know more, it was bound to be bad news.

But I knew what my mom was saying. Jenna’s a piece of work, someone who does whatever she wants with men and the whole piece of business had been nasty. I knew my mom wanted to present her more approachable daughters at this point.

So it was my turn. I’d flown out from NYU to attend the dinner, making sure to pack a nice dress, but I was thinking modest navy-blue sheath, not a fucking disco ball turned handkerchief!

Just to make things easier, I acquiesced. I knew Jenna was going to be there and would probably act out unless there was another pretty girl in the room, some competition for her. Because I’m nice-looking, I know. Not the Barbie that my sister is, but definitely attractive. I’m rounder, curvy, with auburn hair, green eyes and a sweet smile. Lots of people call me “Karina the Angel” because of my innocent look.

But fuck … after that night in Vegas, I’ve been thinking of nothing else but those twins. Going back to NYU had been a let down, to say the least. The entire plane ride back I’d been in a daze, my mind filled with visuals of cocks rubbing each other, cream spurting from an inflamed crown, catching that cum on my lips.

I’d never witnessed gay sex but I wanted some of it … just with a more participatory role, you know what I mean? And god, those twins, I was basically obsessed. I’d already called the club for their contact information but I guess that kind of info is kept private. They’d rebuffed me, saying it was “for the protection of their dancers.” Yeah, right! Each twin had at least a hundred pounds on me and please, there were two of them and only one of me. More like it was for my protection.

So my head in the clouds, I walked into the dining room at Slanted Plate. Yep, there was Jenna, I could catch the gleaming blonde of her hair even from a mile away, and wouldn’t you know, she looked perfectly polite and nice, chatting with a silver haired gentleman who could be none other than Harold Sterling.

“Harold honey,” cooed my mom, “Meet my other daughter Karina.”

“Hi,” I smiled politely, shaking his hand.

“Don’t give me that,” he growled, standing up to give me a hug. “We’ll be family soon. Ah … my boys are here.”

I turned to look reflexively figuring that it’d be some nerds from the Bay Area. I mean Silicon Valley isn’t exactly known for its hot guys, it’s known for dweebs who weigh about eighty pounds with bad haircuts and pocket calculators.

But I got the shock of my life when I saw the twin strippers from the Lucky Paradise Club. What the fuck? What were they doing at the Slanted Plate?

As if in a trance, I watched as they walked towards us, their forms magnificent, looking oddly businesslike in suit jackets, blue eyes penetrating. But I couldn’t forget – I’d seen those dicks hard and in action and my eyes went immediately to their bulges. Oh god, I could the shape of a penis trailing down the left leg of one, the bulge running halfway down his thigh. I made myself look away from the other.

“Hi,” I stammered, flushing hotly.

The two men’s faces were like masks.

“Hi,” said one smoothly. “I’m Caleb and this is Cade, nice meeting you.”

Pleasantries commenced and we sat down to dinner but I couldn’t taste a thing. My sister Jenna, however, was in prime diva mode, sending her entrée back, embarrassing us by tasting the wine suggested by the sommelier and then spitting it out into an empty cup, saying that it must have been the wrong vintage.

I could tell the twins were disgusted and were just as happy as I when dinner ended.

“Nice to meet you,” I said demurely, looking up at them through my lashes.

And Cade gave me his first real smile the whole night.

“Yeah little sis,” he growled deep in his throat. “Nice to meet you too. Where are you headed now?”

“Um, I’m not sure,” I replied, turning to Mary. “Mom did you want to grab a drink or anything? I don’t know SF well so I was just going to see where you and Harold were headed.”

“Oh no honey, you young people go head,” she said, shooing us with her hands. “Harold and I are going to cozy up before the fire before heading up to bed,” she said giving him a flirtatious wink.

“We can drop you off afterwards,” said Cade.