Page 52 of New Hope

Chapter Seventeen


“You look beautiful, baby girl.” My eyes stung as I looked at my little girl. She looked so grown up and I wished, not for the first time, that I could hit pause and keep her this age forever. Hannah beamed at me as I slid the corsage onto her wrist. I’d chosen one with purple roses to match her dress while Ford had gone with the more traditional red for Ellie.

After breakfast, we’d taken the girls to get manicures, a surprise Ford and I had agreed to earlier in the week. Ford thought it was ridiculously expensive, especially considering how tiny their nails were, but we both agreed it was worth every single penny when we saw the smiles on their faces. Honestly, I would have been willing to pay a lot more just to thank them for the way they’d reacted to our news. Especially Ellie. Things could have gone either way, but their complete acceptance had made it possible for Ford and me to continue our relationship. If I hadn’t already loved Ellie, that alone would have sealed the deal.

Afterwards, we’d gone back to our own houses to get ready for the dance and I had called my mom to tell her how great everything had turned out. She was thrilled for us, gushing over how much she loved Ford and Ellie and how happy she was that I’d found someone special to love. She and my father had shown up at my house at five o’clock sharp, bringing their camera to take pictures of the four of us.

Mom and Dad oohed and aahed over Hannah’s dress and the tiny white and purple flowers I’d woven throughout her hair. There was a knock at the door and Hannah ran off to answer it. She was back a few seconds later, her arm looped through Ellie’s. She looked lovely with her fiery hair done up in a delicate French braid and her shimmering green dress, the exact same shade as her eyes. She was wearing the corsage Ford had picked out for her with red roses and tiny white baby’s breath.

My eyes traveled behind her as Ford walked in and it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. He was always gorgeous, but he was downright drool-worthy in a black suit, white dress shirt, and green tie to match his daughter’s dress. My body heated as I pictured getting to take it off him later. When my eyes finally moved back up to his, I found one side of his mouth turned up in a smirk as if he knew exactly what I’d been thinking. I winked at him, unashamed.

With Dad working the camera as Mom directed him, we took about a hundred pictures. Me and Hannah, Ford and Ellie, Hannah and Ellie, me and Ford, all four of us together. The list went on and on. After about half an hour of patiently posing, Ford announced that we better get going if we were going to make our reservation. As the girls hugged my parents goodbye, I thanked him for saving us.

He chuckled. “I think it’s sweet. Ellie’s never had grandparents fawning all over her before.”

“Well, she’s got it in spades now.”

We took the girls to a fancy Italian restaurant with real tablecloths instead of the plastic kind and lighted candles as centerpieces. We laughed and talked as we ate delicious meals of chicken parmesan, fettuccini alfredo, and warm, gooey slices of lasagna. The girls loved hearing stories about the dances Ford and I had attended in school and the types of dancing that had been popular back then. We all laughed when Ford declared himself king of the Robot then proceeded to show us a few of his best moves.

The dance was already in full swing when we arrived. Several mothers had volunteered to run things, which freed me and Ford up to enjoy the special evening with our girls. And boy, did we. We spent a large portion of the night out on the dancefloor, dancing with our daughters and then switching partners so that I could dance with Ellie, and Ford could dance with Hannah. I loved watching the two of them together, Hannah's tiny hand engulfed in Ford’s larger one, smiles on their faces, and Ford laughing as Hannah said something funny.

I had fun with Ellie too, twirling her around and lifting her in my arms so we could float around the room. She clapped delightedly when the music changed to a popular song, and I broke into a dance made famous by TikTok. But if she was happy seeing me do it, she was ecstatic when her dad came over and joined me. Soon, we had all the dads lined up, dancing and showing off for our little girls. It was a perfect night and one I was sure the four of us would remember forever.

The girls were happy but exhausted by the end of the night, falling asleep on the short drive back to my house. We carried them inside and helped them slip into pajamas before tucking them into Hannah’s bed. I was smiling as we walked back into the living room. “Tonight was perfect.”

“It was nice,” Ford said noncommittally.

I spun around to face him. “Just nice?”

He tugged me toward him and grinned. “Well, it would have been perfect, except I didn’t get to dance with the man I love.”

I practically melted as I slipped into his arms. “By all means, we need to correct that oversight.”

I leaned my head on his shoulder as we danced around the room. Ford quietly crooned an old love song from when we were in school as we swayed back and forth. His singing might have been a little off key, but the words spoke to my heart all the same because he’d chosen them for me. When he’d finished singing, I led him to my bedroom where we made love, slowly, quietly, taking our time.

Afterword, we lay wrapped up in each other’s arms, the moonlight pouring over our bare skin and our hearts beating in perfect sync. Ford’s hand rubbed lazy circles over my back, adding to my blissful state. I was just about to drift off when he whispered. “Earlier, when I was dancing with Hannah, she asked me something.”

I leaned up, resting my head in my hand as I gazed into his eyes. “With my daughter, I’m not sure if I should be scared or not.”

Ford laughed softly. “She asked, and I quote, ‘Now that you and my daddy are in love, does that mean that Ellie and I will get to be sisters for real?’ ”

“Oh, God, she didn’t.”

“Yup. She sure did.”

“I’m not surprised her thoughts went there. She and Ellie adore each other. But I am sorry she put you on the spot like that. What did you say?”

Ford shrugged casually. “I told her we needed a little more time to get to know each other first, but that I hoped someday they would be sisters.”

I didn’t realize my jaw had dropped open until Ford used his finger to push it back up. He chuckled at my reaction. “You’d really consider that? Getting married again?”

His face sobered, letting me know he was being completely serious. “With anyone else, I don’t think I could have, but with you—absolutely. I’d love to be your husband someday, for the four of us to be a real family.” Tears ran down my cheeks as I kissed him. He wiped them away gently, concern written all over his face. “Why are you crying?”

“Because I’m so happy. I never thought I’d have this. Before you came along, I was content being a father, but there was a part of me that was always lonely, always wishing I had someone to share my life with. Now, I have you and Ellie and Hannah. I’m a lucky man. I have everything I’ve ever wanted.”

“I do too. And the best part is, tonight is only the beginning of our forever,” Ford whispered as he rolled me onto my back and began kissing his way down my body. My eyes fluttered shut at the first feel of his mouth on me, succumbing to his touch and floating away on the promise of forever.