RIVER—Two years later
Iwas standing in front of the mirror, knotting my tie when a knock sounded at the door. “Come in.” In the reflection, I could see my mom walk in with my dad right on her heels.
“Oh, sweetie. You look so handsome,” she said, giving me a hug and kiss, careful not to get her lipstick on me.
Dad hugged me too then stepped back to take a look at me. “Your mother’s right. You look great. I’ve never seen a happier man on his wedding day, except when it was me.”
“That’s how he won me over, you know. All that smooth talk and natural Adams’ charm.” Mom patted Dad’s cheek as she slipped past him on the way into the ensuite bathroom. She came out a second later with a wad of tissues which she folded and slid into the pocket of her dress. When she looked back up, she caught the two of us staring at her.
“Plan on crying today, Mom?” I teased.
She wore a wry smile. “Oh, those aren’t for me, dear. They’re for your father.”
I turned to my dad who simply shrugged. “I can’t help it. Weddings always make me cry.”
I reached for both of them, pulling them in front of me. “I love you guys. I hope you know that. I couldn’t have asked for better parents. You’ve given me unconditional love, stood by me as I followed my dreams of becoming a father, and welcomed Hannah into your hearts and into your lives as surely as if she’d been your own flesh and blood. And then, when I fell in love, you did the same with Ford and Ellie. You are incredible parents, outstanding grandparents, and I’m so lucky to be your son.”
We were all crying by the time I’d finished, so Mom grabbed the tissues and passed them around. “Oh, honey, we’re the lucky ones. Being your parents is a privilege,” she whispered, wiping her eyes as fresh tears began to spill.
“And having Ford and the girls join our family has only brought us more joy. So, thank you for making us one big happy family,” Dad added.
“Oh, enough of this. I’m going to have to reapply my makeup now,” Mom teased as she fanned her face with her hands to dry the last of her tears.
“We just popped in to see if you needed anything before we find our seats.”
“Actually, there is something. Could you ask Ellie to come here, please?”
“Sure thing, honey.”
They both kissed me on the cheek then slipped out the door. I checked myself in the mirror, making sure my eyes weren’t too puffy from crying. I knew it was going to be an emotional day, but I was at least hoping I could make it down the aisle without looking like a complete mess.
There was another knock on the door and Ellie walked in. She looked beautiful in the simple cream-colored dress that was only a few shades lighter than her skin, her radiant red hair pinned back in an elegant fashion. She and Hannah had chosen matching dresses to wear and together, they were the picture of innocent beauty.
“Hi, Dad. Nana and Papaw said you wanted to see me?”
My chest felt warm at the name she’d just recently started calling me. Ford and I hadn’t pushed them, letting them call us whatever they chose, but Hannah had taken to calling Ford Pop, about a year before when we’d gotten engaged. Ellie had taken a bit longer to decide, trying out names like Pop and Papa before she finally settled on Dad. Hannah still called me Daddy but both names were precious to me. As precious as my two girls.
“Yeah, I did. I have something for you,” I said as I sat down on one of the beds in my old childhood room. My parents had converted it into a room for the girls to share when they spent the night there, so there were now two beds instead of just one.
Ellie sat down beside me; her green eyes bright with curiosity. “Like a present?”
“Sort of, but it’s a very important present. Do you know why people who are getting married give each other rings to wear?”
She scrunched her freckled nose adorably. “Daddy said it had something to do with promises.”
I nodded. “That’s right. The circle symbolizes never-ending love and the ring itself serves as a reminder of the promises the two people make to each other on their wedding day. In a little while, I’ll give your daddy a ring and promise him that I will always take care of him, that I’ll always love him, no matter what, and that I will never leave him.”
I pulled the small black box out of my pocket and slid to the floor, kneeling in front of her. I lifted the lid and let her peer at the small golden ring inside. “This ring is for you because today, I’m not only promising forever to your daddy, but to you as well. Eleanor Rose Scott, I promise that from this day forward, I will always love you, I will always be there whenever you need me, and I will never, ever leave you.”
Ellie’s chin wobbled right before her tears started to fall. “You’ll never leave?” she whispered.
“Cross my heart.” Fresh tears were dripping down my cheeks as I made an X over my heart using my fingers.
She threw her arms around my neck, squeezing me tightly. “Thank you.” Those two simple words held a wealth of meaning; a heart mended, a trust restored, and the knowledge that she was someone worth sticking around for. Her father was too, and I planned on spending the rest of my life proving it to them.
Ford had a ring for Hannah as well and they sparkled on both girls’ fingers as they walked down the aisle on our arms and stood at our side as we said our vows in front of all our family and friends. There wasn’t a dry eye on my parents’ property that day and the party lasted well into the night. Ford reached for my hand as we rode in the back of the rented limousine on our way to the airport for our honeymoon.