“Oh, um…” Abbey’s fuzzy memories suddenly got a lot sharper. She distinctly remembered reaching down for a moment to push her panties to the side because it felt so good to rub her bare pussy against the big Monstrum’s shaft with nothing in between them. “Does this happen every time a woman, uh, rubs against your kind of Monstrum?” she asked, deciding not to admit what she had done—it was too embarrassing! “I mean, does she get all swollen and painful?”

The golden blur moved and she realized Solon was shaking his head.

“No, because normally if a female is getting stung by a Chimera’s pleasure spines it’s because they’re making love. In which case his precum and cum will sooth the ache and stop the swelling afterwards. It’s like an antidote for the pleasure venom produced by the spines,” he explained.

“What?” Abbey got up on her elbows. “But when I touch you with my hand and get ‘stung’ it’s not a problem.”

“Because you’re not getting a big dose of the pleasure venom,” he pointed out. “But you were rubbing against me for quite some time while we lay on the bed, lelka. You might almost say you overdosed yourself.”

“Oh, okay. But…are you saying you have to…have to come inside me in order to make the swelling go down?” Abbey asked, a mixture of uncertainty and longing shooting through her.

“Not at all, lelka,” he rumbled, stroking her thighs reassuringly. “I have the same compounds in my saliva that I do in my precum and cum. If you’ll just let me lick you for a little while, I should be able to neutralize the venom and the swelling will go down.”

“Um…lick me?” Abbey nibbled her lower lip. She still felt nervous about this particular act. “What if you don’t like the way I taste?” she asked.

“You know I do—don’t I suck your honey from my fingers every time I pleasure you?” he asked. “Besides, we’re into our Tasting Week now.”

“Oh, I…I guess we are, aren’t we?” Abbey said breathlessly. Deep down, she wanted him to do this—wanted to open herself and let the big Monstrum taste her. It was just so intimate though—she couldn’t help feeling nervous and shy.

Solon rubbed her inner thighs again soothingly.

“Listen, sweetheart, I just want to make you feel better. So why don’t you just relax back against the bed and let me give your soft little pussy a tongue-bath? If I don’t neutralize the venom, you’re going to be in a lot of pain in a very short amount of time.”

That decided her. She already felt like she was getting poked with a million little needles—she didn’t want things to get worse.

“Well…all right,” she agreed and lay back down, trying to get comfortable. “But just heal me, all right? Nothing else.”

“Nothing you don’t want,” he murmured. “Just relax, lelka, and let me tend to you.”

Despite his words, Abbey could feel the tension on her lower belly and thighs as the big golden blur leaned over her. And then his hot, wet tongue connected with her tender flesh and she let out a surprised moan of pleasure and relief.

She didn’t know if being stung by his pleasure spines had made her much more sensitive or what, but when the big Monstrum dragged his warm, wet tongue over her flesh, it felt immediately better.

Solon started with her outer thighs and then worked his way in to lap gently at her outer pussy lips. Everywhere she’d been stung by his pleasure spines felt cool and much less irritated as soon as he soothed the areas with his tongue.

But he kept licking around and around her outside, without spreading her open and attending to her inner folds. Abbey wiggled her hips restlessly, wishing he would do more—that he would lick her inside. She didn’t know how to ask him, though. It was so embarrassing…

“Why are you feeling embarrassed, lelka? Are you ashamed to let me lick you?” His deep rumbling voice seemed to vibrate through her.

Abbey shook her head.

“No…it’s nothing like that.”

“Then what? Please talk to me. I can feel your emotions but I don’t know why you’re feeling them. It’s very frustrating,” Solon told her.

“It…it’s just, well…the outside feels better now. But the inside…” She stopped, biting her lip.

“Mmm, I see. Do you want me to lick your inner pussy now, lelka?” His deep voice was a growl of lust. “Do you want me to spread you open and give your hot little clit a tongue-bath too?”

Feeling a mixture of shame and desire, Abbey nodded mutely.

“I…I do—but it’s hard to talk about,” she admitted.

“If you don’t want to tell me what to do, why don’t you show me?” he asked.

“Show you? How?” Abbey frowned.

“Guide me.” He picked up one of her hands and placed it on one of his horns. “I have built-in handles for you right here. Show me where you want me to lick you and I’ll do it, lelka. I’ll lick you anywhere you want me to.”