Solon had to agree with her. His own fur and his mane were being blown in every direction. He kept hold of Abbey’s arm until the wind stopped as abruptly as it had started.

“Your cleansing is now complete,” the shower’s voice told them. “Thank you for using this full-shower service. We hope to serve you again soon.”

“I guess that’s our cue to leave,” Abbey remarked, looking around, though Solon knew that all she would see was a blur. “Er, how do we get out of here?”

Her question was answered when the pink frosted glass door slid open and they were able to step out into the main fresher again.

“Whew…that was some experience!” Abbey said as they stepped onto the cool marble floor.

“It was a necessity, I’m afraid,” Solon said. He sniffed his arm, but couldn’t tell if the enhanced Bonding Scent had been washed away or not. “Er, can you tell me how I smell?” he asked Abbey. “I mean, am I still wearing the scent the Perfumer made for me?”

“Let me see.” She leaned forward and pressed her nose to his chest. She inhaled deeply and then moved on to his shoulder and then down to his abdomen. Finally she drew back and shook her head. “You still smell amazing to me, but not overwhelming. Whew…for a while there you smelled so good all I could think about was jumping your bones!”

Solon frowned.

“Why would my enhanced Bonding Scent make you want to jump up and down on my skeleton?”

Abbey laughed and then winced.

“I didn’t really want to jump on your bones—it’s just an Earth saying. Hey, why am I so sore?”

“Sore? Where?” Solon asked anxiously.

“Between my legs. Ow!” She winced again and put a hand down to cup her soft little pussy. “It feels like I’m being poked with a million needles every time I move the wrong way.”

Solon’s frown deepened as he began to have a suspicion about what was wrong.

“Come on, lelka,” he said, swinging her into his arms again. “I think we’d better go back to the bed so I can examine you.”



Abbey squirmed uncomfortably in the big Monstrum’s arms. Her head was clearer now, but she had a vague idea that she’d been acting like a fool before the shower they’d taken together.

It was that damn enhanced Bonding Scent the Perfumer had made—it had been making her crazy! She had fuzzy memories of rubbing against Solon and coming over and over—but that couldn’t be right—could it?

“Here we are—going to lay you down on the bed, lelka,” she heard him rumble. And then the soft mattress was cradling her body and the huge golden blur that was Solon was looming over her.

“What are you doing up there?” Abbey asked him. She held out her arms. “Get on the bed with me.”

“Not yet. First I need to see what’s going on between your legs.”

“Oh, um…” Feeling suddenly shy, Abbey squeezed her thighs together… and then moaned as a sharp pain like a million tiny needles stabbing her most sensitive areas shot through her.

“See? You’re in pain. Now let me look at you.” There was a firm authority in Solon’s deep voice that she didn’t dare to disobey.

“Well…all right.” Biting her lip, she let him spread her thighs open. The golden blur lowered and she realized he was kneeling on the floor in front of her. Big, warm hands spread her legs even wider and then he leaned forward until she could feel his hot breath on her inner thighs and his golden mane tickling her sensitive skin.

“Hmm, I was afraid of this.” His deep voice sounded worried.

“What? What is it?” Abbey asked anxiously. “What happened? Why am I having pain?”

“I think it’s from you rubbing against my shaft while we were lying on the bed earlier,” Solon rumbled. “Your soft little pussy is all red and swollen, lelka.” The big hands moved inward and Abbey felt him spreading the outer lips of her pussy to reveal her inner folds. The vulnerable position filled her with an uneasy mixture of embarrassment and arousal. “Even your little clit is swollen,” he added, and sounded like he was frowning.

“What? But why?” Abbey demanded, shifting her hips. She felt incredibly exposed, being all spread out like this! And the big Monstrum’s hot breath blowing on her tender pussy didn’t help.

“Remember the pleasure spines I have on the lower part of my shaft and my balls?” he asked. “Well, when you were rubbing against me earlier, you must have been ‘stinging’ yourself with them. I thought your panties were a sufficient barrier to keep that from happening but it seems I was wrong.”