His lips parted from hers. “Mine,” he growled, already desperate to be inside her.
“We’re married, Diego,” she murmured against his lips, her hands shoving his sweatpants down to release him. “You married me.”
“We’ll do it right. In front of a priest or a preacher or whatever the fuck you want.” He choked on a breath when her hand froze just as it reached his bare cock.
“You want that?” she asked, blinking down at him.
He stroked her hair away from her face. “You want that, mami. And I want to give you anything you want.” He brushed his lips over hers, trying to be gentle, but the way she moaned and licked him, then squeezed him, reminded him where her hand was. Deciding she was way too clothed for this conversation, he set out to fix that, dragging down her underwear.
She wasn’t wet enough yet, but she looked delightfully dazed and overwhelmed even before he tugged her hips higher on his body. Her hand released him to press over his tattooed chest instead, bracing herself as he pulled at her.
“I do want that,” she said, still trying to talk when she should be moaning.
“I’ll give you everything you want.” He urged her ass higher. “Now sit on my face so I can devour this cunt that belongs to me.”
Her eyes blew wide. “You—”
He finished dragging her knees over his shoulders, making a pained sound as her thighs hugged his face and his tongue stroked over her damp slit. Her gasp slid into him even before he speared her with his tongue, his hands on her ass, urging her to fuck his face.
Her hands flailed before gripping his hair, the tug on it making him crazed. He switched to swiping at her clit, sucking it into his mouth and pulling her tight against his face, her knees spread wide and trembling. She fell forward, her hands catching her on the carpet as she cried out with the orgasm he’d hurtled her into.
He rolled her, dragging himself up her body to sink into her still-trembling pussy. She pulsed all around his cock, urging him to move, to take her fast and deep. His hands clasped her face, and she opened her eyes, still looking dazed as he fucked into her.
“Mine,” he growled again.
Her legs wrapped around him as she arched, letting him in even deeper. They moved together in a frenzy, her gasps and moans driving him out of his mind.
He couldn’t hold out to give her another orgasm. His body shattered as he pumped his cum inside of her.
She whined, writhing against him. “More,” she begged.
He pulled out, his cock making a wet streak along his thigh as he lowered himself down her body. His hands tilted her hips, his eyes feasting on his cum and her own wetness mixed together. He lapped at it, pushing the mixture back inside of her with his tongue.
“Oh God!” she moaned, trying to hump his face.
He chuckled against her clit before closing his lips around it. It took longer to get her there this time. Swipes and the teasing flicks of his tongue, continued laps and pushes of his cum back inside her, and then that sipping suck that made her cry out his name as she came.
He collapsed over her and panted against the pooch of her stomach. Her body had sucked up his cum beautifully. One hand kept her hips tilted as he circled her slit with a finger, pushing in as if he could stop up her body so she’d keep it all inside.
“What do you think the priest will say if you show up round with my baby growing inside you?” he asked.
Her hands sifted through his hair as she let out that soft laugh of hers. “The pastor will want to marry us for sure.”
He kissed her skin, content with the thought as he gathered himself to lift her into his arms and carry her to their new bed, where he would fill her up all over again.
Chapter 31
The pastor did not, in fact, want to marry them. Diego threatened him into it anyway, annoyed when he asked if Hannah was certain after her initial “I do.”
Diego thought again about how certain she’d been. The memory was a sweet one as he rocked his baby, Eli, in his arms.
Hannah had already been three months pregnant when she married him, so of course she’d been certain. It was kind of too late to back out by then, though she’d never doubted him, even the times when he came home with blood on his hands.
That happened a lot less now. Ramiro had decided to make his security business more legitimate once the Zeta syndicate disbanded. They sometimes took on a less-than-straitlaced client, but after additional fallout with the cartel, Ramiro avoided them like the plague.
Diego still provided his surveillance expertise, mostly for businesses. He no longer had to remain close enough to respond himself, and almost all his work could be done from home. They had a permanent home, a house in a neighborhood not quite as fancy as the one he’d taken Hannah from, but pretty darn close. Their house didn’t have a pool, something Hannah had convinced him she didn’t need, and it had more rooms to fill up in the future.
It became harder and harder to be away from not just Hannah, but also the kids, so Diego loved working from home. He preferred to remain close to his family.