His. They were his, and they had been for more than a year.

As his hungry little boy drained the last of his bottle, Diego grinned down at him, setting the bottle aside and shifting Eli to his shoulder to be burped. He’d found that massaging circles on his son’s back worked as well for burping as for soothing, and he chuckled when it worked, yet again, like a charm.

His favorite laugh in the world drifted to him from the doorway.

Hannah’s eyes were drowsy when they met his.

“I was trying to let you sleep,” Diego said, beginning to stand.

“Oh, no, you don’t have to—”

“Sit, mami,” Diego said, jerking his chin to the rocking chair as he swayed with Eli in his arms.

She crossed to them instead, her hand brushing at the dark, silky hair on the baby’s head. “I love watching you with him.”

Diego leaned toward her, kissing her over Eli’s head. “Sit. You can rock him to sleep.”

Hannah loved those moments. She’d been disappointed that Eli had weaned himself. That was Diego’s fault. He’d wanted to help as much as he could, and bottle feeding had soon become more frequent than drinking from the source.

He’d listened when she’d told him about how it had been for her in the past. With both Connor and Emma, she’d only seen the babies for feedings because a nanny had taken over everything else. She hadn’t fully enjoyed breastfeeding, but she had always clung to it because it increased her time with her children.

Diego didn’t think he’d ever stop hating her first husband and what he’d put her through.

He passed their son into her arms, absorbing the image of them together as she rocked.

Her smile was much more natural now. Diego had wanted to create a baby with her, and had been intentional in making it happen, but he’d never considered the toll it would take on her body. The physical toll, yes, as she’d been sore and bleeding in the couple of weeks directly after and tired for even longer than that. He’d had to find a balance between making her rest and making sure she didn’t feel left out of precious moments with her children.

Hannah’s expressions had slipped into the tightened blankness for a while after she’d given birth. He’d hated seeing her fall back into it. Diego knew she loved their life together. She loved spending time with the kids. She loved him. He never doubted that, not after she’d married him.

When her blank face didn’t go away, Diego had to work at getting her to open up to him because she’d locked everything down so tightly. When she’d finally let herself cry against his chest, it had been overwhelming. Her breakdown held a huge amount of fear along with her despair. She’d apologized through her sobs and cringed away from him for the first time in forever, as if she expected him to hit her.

Ashford had been a fucking prick, and his presence had curled up inside of her in ways neither of them had understood.

Hannah slowly admitted that she’d always felt really sad after giving birth. It had happened after Connor had been born and then again after Emma was born. She’d thought it was because she’d been kept away from them more than she wanted, but it had happened again with Eli. As her face twisted with anger, anger at herself, Diego had pulled her in tighter and held her.

“Your body did an amazing thing, Hannah. It gave us our baby. Now it has to figure out how to be itself again. It’s okay to feel anything around me, even sad and angry. I’m here. I don’t mind.”

And she’d cried harder.

Diego had bullied her into talking to the doctors, but it was still a process, one that was hard and difficult, one that also brought them even closer together.

Hannah’s trust in him was a growing thing, and he treasured it.

He had thought his obsession had already become love, but he kept finding that he could love her more and more deeply. Every time he thought he’d found the peak, something would happen, even small moments like this one, where he watched her dimple flash as she rocked their son, and he would realize all over again that there was no peak.

As Eli drifted off to sleep, Diego lifted him carefully in his arms to transfer him to the crib.

Hannah’s arms slipped around him from behind. “You’re so good at that.”

Diego’s chest was so goddamn tight that he couldn’t say anything back. He brushed his fingers over their baby’s hair before turning in her arms and gathering her to him.

“Take me to bed,” she whispered in his ear, her hands already roaming.

Her eagerness was a joy. Diego still remembered when she’d stripped off her nightgown and lain in bed like a corpse, telling him the doctor had cleared her for sex, and she was sorry it had taken so long. She acted like she expected him to rut inside her like an animal with no control just because it’d been a couple of months.

Diego had pulled the sheet over her body, covering her, then shifted his hand to her face, stroking over her cheek. “You don’t look ready. We’ll wait until you’re horny, Hannah.” And then he’d pulled her into his arms and held her until she relaxed again.

When she had woken him in the middle of the night almost a week later, her roaming hands making him crazy for her, he’d explored her changed breasts, finding the new flavor of breastmilk and that they’d become sensitive as fuck. He’d made her come from nipple play alone, then with his mouth and fingers, until she’d passed out in an orgasmic stupor. Then he’d jacked off beside her and come as hard as ever.