He wanted to press his cock against her wet center. He wanted to strip her bare and use his mouth on her until she was calling his name.
Most of all, he wanted to come inside her and dream that it would take, that her next baby really would be his, just like her two existing children already felt like his.
“How do you want me?” Diego asked instead.
When her eyes fell, the idea that she’d already changed her mind made him want to beg her to keep going. He bit down on his cheek. He never wanted that type of manipulation between them. She’d been forced into sex for way too long.
“C-can I—?” she started to ask, though her words faded away.
He brushed her hair behind her ear. Even the perfect, pink shell of her ear was gorgeous. “You can do anything you want. Or not do it. You’re always safe with me. I promise.”
Her fingers flexed on his chest in the smallest of strokes. “Can I… touch you?”
Oh, he was so fucked. He was going to come way too quickly all over again. Just her offering made him hard as a rock, and she’d barely even touched him yet.
“You want to touch me, mami?” His hands moved over hers, urging them down toward his stomach and then back up to his chest. He forced himself to release her and let his hands fall to his sides. “I’m yours. Touch me as much or as little as you want.”
He held still when she raised her eyes back to his. His own worry disappeared at the heat he saw there. She wasn’t just doing what she thought he wanted out of some toxic, learned obligation. She really did want this.
Her eyes slid back to her hands, and then they moved. The sensation of her fingers skimming over skin nearly brought him to his knees. His tattoos drew her attention first. His skin was more inked than not. The first one had been a skull high on his chest, marking his first kill. Now there were almost too many tattoos to find one that stood out.
Hannah seemed intent on mapping them all. Her fingers moved over each swirl, each line. She brushed over images of spiders, snakes, flames, and more death, noting it all and making his body tremble at her touch. Inked words, none of them loving, spelled out the fear and hate he’d lived with for so long.
Her hands started on his chest but then separated, skimming down each arm, one forearm that was almost fully black with ink. There were colors woven in some of the images, and she traced those too, all the way down to his fingers. His favorite tiger tattoo slunk along his hand, and she took it into both of hers, bringing it up closer to her eyes and skimming the back of his hand against her cheek, nuzzling it and making Diego’s hand flex under her grip.
Soon, too soon but not soon enough, she tracked back up his arms, so slowly, as if she had all the time in the world. She moved over his shoulders and traced a thumb along his collarbones, skimming the skin with her nail.
And then she moved behind him. Her touch was even more potent when he couldn’t see her. His full back was tattooed, and her fingers touched every inch of it. Then she pressed closer, brushing her lips near the nape of his neck.
“Hannah,” he groaned her name with a shudder.
Her hands slid around the skin right above his waistband as she returned to his front. She wasn’t smiling, but her eyes were filled with the same heat that was burning him up inside.
With her fingers curled inside the waistband of his pants, she leaned forward and closed her lips over his nipple. He’d never thought his nipples were sensitive. Having Hannah’s mouth on them changed his mind.
Her hands shifted around to his back, still in his waistband, and she pushed down the material to skim over his bared ass cheeks. They tightened with her touch, begging for more. She squeezed, and Diego didn’t think he could get any harder.
Her mouth left his nipple, and she looked down at his cock, the tip soaked in pre-cum and visible where it poked up above his slightly lowered pants. She tugged down, crouching as she pushed his sweatpants down his legs and off, his cock free and hard between them.
Hannah remained on her knees, her eyes on his erection. She leaned forward, licking away the moisture.
It felt amazing but also made him remember the image of Hannah as she’d choked out cum and spit after Ashford fucked her face.
Diego’s hand trembled as he cupped her chin, tilting her head so he could search her eyes. His thumb ran over her mouth before dropping away. “Don’t take me into that sweet mouth of yours.”
Her hand lifted, trying to cover and hide the nerve-damaged side of her face. The heat fled from her eyes as she squeezed them shut. “I can open it wide enough. I know it’s hard to look at, but—”
Diego grabbed her elbows, dragging her to her feet fast enough to startle her. Her hand gripped his arm to steady herself, and her eyes flew open.
“I don’t want to hear you say that. No part of you is hard to look at.” His hand returned to the slightly sagging part of her face, stroking over it. “This is just another type of scar. And it’s gorgeous to me; it’s proof you’re alive.” He pulled her against his chest, hugging her tight. “I’m so fucking happy that you’re here with me in this moment. Horrible shit got us here, but we are here. Together.”
Her arms wrapped around his back, squeezing just as tight. She looked into his face with a soft half smile. “God had a plan.”
That she brought up God didn’t put him off any. It only made him want to dirty her up and make her sin even more. He was hard and aching to have her.
“Are you done with me?” he asked, telling himself that if she said yes, he’d pull his sweats back up and leave the room.
She looked down, studying his erection. Her hand dropped, stroking him, starting from the base and moving all the way to the tip to make him groan. Her fingers wrapped around him in a solid grip before her thumb smeared the pre-cum around the tip.