“Fuck, Ram,” Diego muttered. “Don’t even say that shit.”
At least Diego no longer had to worry about having an erection. He had too much other shit to worry about.
After Ramiro left, the day fell back into its usual rhythms, though a little quieter than normal. Emma had taken her morning nap curled up against Diego’s chest, and something inside him settled at having her drool on him. Her hair was back to its usual silkiness when his hand brushed over it.
Hannah didn’t swim during her children’s afternoon naps but read from her torn Bible instead. She looked peaceful whenever he glanced at the couch.
During dinner, they let the kids watch TV. Hannah curled up against his side, laying her head on his shoulder, and he put off returning to the monitors. There was no way in hell he’d move away, not when every inch of him was focused on how her hair brushed over his skin.
Hannah handled bath time alone, leading into her favorite bedtime routine. It was her most precious time with her children, and he’d resisted putting up a secret camera in their bedroom to watch.
When he turned his head from the monitors to see her hesitating in the hallway well before she normally would, he had to blink twice.
She crossed the room to him, her face calm and relaxed. Her hand came to rest on his bare arm, and he swore he felt it all the way inside his stomach. The tingling sensation shooting over his skin only got worse when she slid her hand down to take his.
“Come help me put them to bed?” Hannah asked with a tug.
He stared at their linked hands. “That’s your time, Hannah.” Diego couldn’t resist her second tug.
“Emma’s asking for you,” she said.
The idea of that sweet little girl requesting him specifically made the butterflies in his stomach even worse.
Diego felt like a lumbering monster hovering over Emma’s bed. He had very little idea of what to do to put a child to bed, but he knew that her struggling to get up out of her covers and stand up on the mattress was a no-go.
He crouched, feeling better when his shadow didn’t shade the bed. “Hey, don’t—” His words fled when Emma latched those tiny arms around his neck in a fierce hug.
Fuck, his eyes were burning. He turned his head, smelling the honey in her newly cleaned hair, and kissed her cheek.
“It’s bedtime, Emma.” Hannah’s softly spoken reminder was all her daughter needed to let go of him and settle down into bed again.
Diego felt like she took a piece of him with her.
He helped to pull up the covers, doing it a second time during the story when Emma twisted onto her stomach to sleep. His hand rubbed over her back in soothing circles as her mom read the book, continuing the motion well after Emma had fallen asleep.
Connor was still awake when story time was done, though his eyes were sleepy. He accepted his mother’s kiss on his forehead.
Diego let his hand brush the boy’s hair back as he wished him sweet dreams.
Hannah closed the door behind them when they left, her movements careful, as if the click would wake the children. Diego had noticed by now that once her kids were out, they were out.
He rubbed his palms over his sweatpants. “Thanks for that,” he mumbled, his tone rasping with all the emotion he felt in that moment.
Hannah took his hand. She didn’t say a word, just led him toward her bedroom.
He couldn’t not follow her, his heart trying to beat out of his chest well before the door closed them inside.
Her hands lifted, pressing against his bare chest as she leaned into him.
“Fuck, Hannah, I—” Diego forgot what he was going to say because her lips met his.
He forced himself not to press their lips together harder, grab her up into his arms, and touch her until she was wet and begging.
He’d much rather see what Hannah would do next.
Their mouths slid against each other and parted.
“I want you,” she breathed against his lips.