“Luuuuucy.” Liam chuckled, sounding even closer than before. He was definitely walking around the car. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
Hysterical laughter bubbled up and I shoved it down so hard I almost choked.
Tears escaped instead of laughter and slid down my cheeks like liquid flame. If I wasn’t careful I was going to hyperventilate before I could even find the cars I had the keys to.
Another sound to my left and I carefully—quietly slipped around the front of the car, keeping as low to the ground as I could. Liam was close, but Cassius? I had no fucking idea where that asshole was.
Liam was using his hunting dog to scatter his prey so he could shoot it down, and today…today I was that prey.
My grip on the wrench tightened and I took a deep breath, studying my immediate surroundings as much as I could.
This car was parked diagonally against one of the walls – close enough I barely managed to squeeze through. I was lucky there wasn’t a license plate on the front or the hoodie I was wearing would have gotten caught just like it had with those damn keyboards.
If I pressed the alarm button on all five of the fobs, there was a good chance one of them might belong to the car I was using as a shield. There was the possibility that the headlights could catch me just right and cast a shadow, showing them exactly where I was, but if I sat here and did nothing they’d definitely find me.
Disorient them, find a car, and get the fuck out of here. Call Frankie, and then…
What? What the fuck was I supposed to do after that?
I shook my head and tucked the wrench into the front pocket of Cassius’s hoodie. I would worry about what to do after that later. Getting out of here first was my top priority.
Knowing Liam, he might just set this place on fire to avoid letting someone find any kind of evidence.
Getting out was the goal. Then Frankie. I had to warn her first…just in case I couldn’t resist the mania buzzing in my veins, telling me I should let them catch me so I could learn why they had Arturo in their basement.
Was it a pack feud, or was this about what happened at Bite?
I clenched my teeth and set my thumbs on two different panic buttons. It didn’t really matter, and I couldn’t let the possibilities distract me right now. I had to warn Frankie before something else happened. She’d call the police, or better yet her father. There was nothing Frankie wouldn’t do for me.
Pressing the buttons, I tossed the fobs as far away from me as I could and then set off the last three, creating enough noise to make my ears hurt. Lights flashed all throughout the garage, making it feel like a rave.
I kept the fob for the second closest car and ran, tossing the other two in the opposite direction as I kept my profile as low to the ground as I could.
The fob in my hand went to the black Jeep and I hit the automatic start button, running toward it as I pulled the wrench out of my pocket.
My fingertips barely managed to brush against the door handle when I felt something wrap around my ankle and pull.
This time, I couldn’t stop myself from screaming as I fell – my heart lurching in my throat.
Cassius yanked me toward him and my whole body slammed into the ground, my head bouncing off the linoleum hard enough my ears started ringing and I bit into my tongue, tasting blood. The asshole had to have been hiding under one of the cars, waiting for me to slink by.
I swung the wrench on instinct alone, but my vision was fuzzy and his profile kept shifting from one of him to three and then back again. It made it impossible to actually hit him and I rolled over, feeling like I was about to throw up.
Fuck, I must have hit my head hard enough I had a concussion.
“I’ll take this.” Cassius ripped the wrench out of my hand and grabbed me by the front of the hoodie. “Good job, little omega. You got farther than I thought you would.”
“Go fuck yourself.” It sounded pathetic. I was wheezing and sweat was dripping down my back as I tried to push his face away. He was too close and all I could think about was the way his blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark.
His deep growl sounded far away as the ringing in my ears got louder. I couldn’t let him win, but I could barely move let alone see as the alarms went on and on, the cacophony threatening to split open my skull.
Liam appeared behind Cassius’s shoulder then and gave me an infuriating smirk. He didn’t try to hide the madness in his eyes either and the intensity of it took my breath away. “I made you a promise Lucy, and I have every intention of keeping it.”
I couldn’t remember what promise he was talking about, but it didn’t matter anymore.
They’d caught me and my vision was starting to get dark around the edges. I doubted I’d be conscious for much longer.
“Didn’t I promise I’d find you?” Liam’s smirk widened until it became a grin and it felt like I was missing something important. “There’s no way I’m going to let you disappear again, Lucy.”