I dove for the keypad, looking for the button to open the garage door, but I didn’t see anything. Just numbers. Goddammit. This stupid fucking door wouldn’t open without a passcode and I didn’t have the time to guess.
Fine. I’d just get in one of the cars and drive through the damn thing. I’d deal with the aftermath later. Liam could afford to replace it anyway.
Green light bounced off something shiny and I grabbed the wrench. The weight of it was soothing as I studied the black metal box bolted into the wall next to the keypad.
Swinging as hard as I could, I gritted my teeth.
The metal lockbox on the wall screeched in protest, but the lock snapped and the door swung open. I’d managed to hit it so hard that the whole fucking thing came off the wall and clattered to the linoleum.
Too much noise, but I didn’t have a choice.
Keys and fobs scattered at the same time I heard something from upstairs, making me freeze. I held my breath and then waited, but there wasn’t a single sound other than the blood rushing through my veins.
Where the fuck were they?
I ran and then dropped, sliding along the floor to hide behind one of the cars. I grabbed as many fobs as I could instead of the keys since they wouldn’t make as much noise as metal would and then tucked them in the pocket of my hoodie.
Pressing against the wheel of one of the black sports cars, I covered my mouth to reduce the sound of my breathing and listened, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get a read on where they were.
Focusing on the scents, I ignored the smell of oil, gasoline, and rubber. Nothing but metal and the tang of linoleum at first. Then I caught the slightest whiff of sharp, green apples.
Cassius was coming down first, or he was so fucking angry he couldn’t hide his pheromones anymore despite Liam coming down the stairs first. I couldn’t figure out which it was, but it didn’t really matter which when the result would be the same.
These two were hunting me.
How the fuck was I going to figure out which fob went to which car and then get inside one of them before they figured out where I was?
I really needed to hide my scent, but I could barely see.
It was so fucking dark I could hardly make out anything despite the small bit of green light coming from the keypad, but I would bet my life they had spare oil and gasoline in here. That should be enough to cover my scent.
It was annoying these two assholes seemed to be the only two people on the planet who could scent me. That was making this a thousand times harder than it needed to be.
Why was that anyways? No one else had ever been able to tell what I smelled like. Even Frankie had a hard time, but she always said it gave her the impression of something dark, floral, and sweet.
That kind of scent was too noticeable in a place like this when I was sweaty and scared. They’d find me instantly if I didn’t get my shit together.
A slight scuff to my left stopped me from heading back to the workbench where I’d found the wrench.
I pressed my hand down harder on my mouth and held as still as possible. My heart was pounding against my chest so fucking hard I was sure they’d be able to hear it, but nothing happened.
Just another small noise that could be a foot sliding against linoleum, but at this point I couldn’t be sure. I was so amped up on adrenaline I wouldn’t put it past myself to hear things that weren’t there.
Were they even down here or was I losing my mind all over again?
“Lucy…” Liam sing-songed my name and I felt tears prick my eyes when I heard just how close he was.
He was right on the other side of this car.
The terror was finally starting to outweigh the curiosity, but his deep voice said my name so softly my pussy clenched at the sound of it.
Fuck my stupid omega instincts. Why did I have to start acting like one now? It was the worst timing possible.
Honestly, I shouldn’t be surprised. I have always had bad luck.