Page 32 of To Tame An Angel

She was breathing deeply, but she did something I didn’t expect. It fully erects my cock. She clutched her breast and played with her nipple through the cloth, closing her eyes.

“I like you this way, Tannor. I like you waiting for me, half hard and ready,” she said in such a deep tone that once more my erection bobs.

I groaned and clutched my fists, desperate to calm myself.

She stepped around me to inspect me. I shifted, trying to look at her. I thought she would commence the beating, but it wasn’t her style. She was patient while I wasn’t. I wanted the beating over with so I could be left alone in a corner to nurse my orgasm as I shivered in humiliation at my reactions.

Her hands soothed my back, and I tried to turn, but she kept me in place. Her fingers explored my body until she slid down to my ass. I clenched, and she chuckled.

“I can’t wait for all the fun things we’ll do,” her voice is a vixen-like tune.

“Fun for you,” I snarled.

Though I don’t believe it for a second. If anything, she’d ensured I enjoyed each aspect of her little tutelage if I could withstand the discomfort.

She took her time massaging my ass, cupping it and pressing all the tense spots. There was no lingering pain from yesterday, and I realized she’d gone easy on me. Just a little taste of the main event.

Said event being now.

I was blind with desire. My cock was wild, and I lost control over it. I was only attempting to breathe and tame my moans.

Then she spanked one cheek so loud and hard that the sound of flesh meeting flesh resounded in the room. The sting made me flinch, but I made no sound. She was being gentle. My cock loved it. It was straining now, and I was gulping back moans. She slapped me again, a little harder, but this time I expected it. Aside from the involuntary jump of flesh, I gritted my teeth against any sound.

She chuckled and walked around to inspect my cock. It was bobbing against my stomach. From under my arms, she looked up at me and my mouth flew open.

“You’re such a liar,” she said and then she did something I didn’t expect. She nuzzled my, and I froze at the act. “I could smell you the moment I told you to kneel.”

I strained against my binds because I had a sudden furious need to hold her. But she won’t let me. Fuck her. Fuck her and her soft skin and her–

My brain goes blank when she grabbed my inner thigh in a clasp and ran her sharp nails up and down. I moaned. I can’t help it. The feel goes right to my cock.

“This is how this goes. I’m going to hurt you, Tannor. Badly. When you’ve had enough, when you want me to stop, you’re going to say my name. When you say my name, I know I’ve pushed you to your limit. You can’t take any more.”

She hummed softly and continued caressing my leg. Her other hand goes to my ass, rubbing the sting she left behind.

I’ll eat her name before I ever say it. I’ll never say her name. She’ll have to fucking kill me.

“Say you understand, Tannor,” she said.

I met her eyes. I took my time, so she understood how much I hate her. “Fuck. You.”

She breathed deeply and amusement danced in her eyes. “I see you want it rough today. Very well, my angel. Let’s see how much you can withstand.”

She pulled away and losing her hit me harder than anything she’d abused me with. I felt my skin prickle against the chilly room. I can’t see what she’s doing, and my mind goes into overdrive. It’s a whip. I know it’s a whip. I can handle a whip. I took sharp breaths and clutched my hands.

Slowly she walks back to me, and I felt against the back of my thighs something long and thin, like a rod.

“We’ll start with twenty,” she said.

I stared straight ahead to her bed, to the place where I woke with her curled on me. The sheets are still tossed.

The rod is lifted from my skin.

On that pillow is where I first smelled her hair.

There was a sharp whistle in the air.

I allowed myself to place a finger against her skin just to feel the silkiness of it.