Page 31 of To Tame An Angel

“Kneel.” And she turned, cracking a whip so close to my face that I jumped back.

Where had she even gotten a fucking whip? We stared at one another. Her face is set, emotionless, cold and distant.

“I said kneel.” Her voice turned deep ice. “Kneel or you die.”

The tone of her voice shot desire straight into my heart. I felt like breaking a chain I wasn’t wearing, but a chain I wish I was locked to.

“Make me,” I responded.

A thrill flushed her face and exploded by body. Yes. That’s exactly what I want. I want her to make me. To battle me, wrangle me. I want to pull against her bindings, fight against her whims. I want her to earn my kneeling stance. I want both the soothing lover and the violent witch.

With a flick of her wrist, a chain flew from her treasure chest of toys and wrapped itself around me, collapsing me to the ground, even as I fought it.

She was properly angry now. Her eyes were fiery balls of hate. I didn’t even know why I enjoyed it so much, why I’ve pushed her to these extremes. A part of it is how she spoke to me, how she explains things and how soft her fingers were when she bathed me and cleaned my wounds.

In a stride, she was on me, yanking me up, making me face her furious face. A beautiful face. Fuck. Fuck her. I don’t need to think of her of any other way other my new jailor and fuck her for making me doubt it.

I yanked against the binds, but she held them good. Perhaps she was using some of her magic, but a part of me knew she wouldn’t. She needed that for when she beat me; she wanted to do it with her full strength.

She dragged me to the corner of the room, making me stumble just to keep up with her strides. With a grunt, she connected the chain to a hook from above and I hung from my arms, at her mercy.

My cock stirred.

I kicked my legs when she looked up at me as I danced, attempting to hurt her. She was a foot shorter, but that didn’t deter her.

“If you continue kicking, I will bind your feet. We know how much you love that,” she said almost pleasantly.

“You’ll need to use your magic to hold me down and you’ll have nothing left for the beating,” I hissed with bared teeth.

“So you wish me to hit you at full strength?” Her eyes are wide with mock innocence.

The cock between my legs twitched, and I yelled in frustration. I landed a good kick on her thigh, and she turned sharply, palm open and glowing. I felt my legs filled with warmth and I can’t move them.

“I don’t need magic to make you hurt,” she said in a low, promising tone.

Her hands were on my shirt, she leaned into me, and we stared at each other, my breath sharp. Then she tore my tunic off with one sharp pull. She sighed, running her fingers over my chest with a small smile.

The cock twitches again, tenting my trousers. She noticed. I cursed loudly, and she smiled wider. Mortification is the only thing I can grasp within my feelings. I sensed my face heating. She leaned in and I could smell her sweet perfume and see the swell of her breasts.

I clutched my bound fingers together and defiantly met her eyes. Her hand softly caressed my chest. My breath came in sharp poofs, and I tried to think of the time in the pits. Those miserable years, not much better than now. Anything to prevent my cock from rising. But her fingers trailed down my waist, and she ran her thumb over the dip of my hipbone.

Gasping, I almost yelled at her to fucking grasp my cock, yank it like she did last night. The words were wedged in my throat. I couldn’t say it.

She looked down at my cock and just watching her study it hardened me more. Like I was on display for her and her alone. Her brown hair fell over her face. I had visions of my cock in her mouth. No. No visions–fuck! I groaned when she slid her hand down, her fingers ghosted over my member and involuntarily, I jerked forward.

Nalla laughed, throwing her head back. “Tannor…” She coyly looked up; her hands continued the teasing touches. “Do you enjoy being tied up and at my mercy?”

“Go to hell,” I spatted. Even as I say it, her words expanded my erection and I could barely speak.

She graced my cock with a feathery touch and I cried out, my hips jerking forward.

Fucking grab it, take it, yank it, please do something.

To my horror, she drew back her hand. I blinked at her in blind anger.

“Oh, we’re going to have fun tonight, Tannor,” she purred and with sure fingers, she pulled down my trousers.

It took me a moment to realize she was no longer enchanting my legs and my attempt to kick her only served for my pants to slip to my feet, tangling myself in them.