“No, we’ve still got stuff to discuss.”
The way Judy gapes at me makes me think not many people say no to her. The next nine months are gonna be a rude wake-up call for her. “I don’t think you understand, Ethan,” she starts, but I cut her off.
“Yeah, I get it, but you’re gonna have to give me about ten more minutes with her.”
Madeline looks at her. “Give us a minute, Judy. I won’t be long.”
Judy looks anything but pleased. “Graham won’t be happy if you hold his show up.”
When Madeline simply nods to let her know she heard, Judy leaves, but not before throwing me a dirty look.
Maddie’s expression is part chastising, part I-love-you-anyway. “Is this your new plan of attack with my team? You’re gonna try bossing them around like you boss me?”
“There’s not going to be any trying about it, Miller. It’s my job to protect you and our child, and that’s what I’m gonna do.”
“I still haven’t taken a test,” she says softly.
“Do you want to do that now?” Leigh already told me this and I think there’s something I’m missing here.
“Yes, but first, I want to tell you why I was hurt yesterday.”
“I assumed it was because of my reaction and lack of support.”
“That didn’t help, but no, it was the fact you kept focusing on getting a test before we went any further.” Her voice holds a deep ache that I hate having contributed to. “That was exactly what Tucker told me. It brought up a lot of feelings over my abortion and the way he treated me. I think it triggered my brain into making me believe that you would do the same thing. And while I kept trying to talk myself down from thinking that, because I know you would never do that, I just couldn’t get past those irrational thoughts.” She looks at me sadly. “I’m so sorry, Ethan. I hate that past stuff you had nothing to do with came between us.”
“Well, I froze because of my past, so you’re not alone. I’d just had a conversation with Dad and had a million thoughts running around my brain about being a father. When you told me I was going to be one, all I could think was that I wasn’t fit to be a father, because what do I know about raising a child. My self-doubt shut me down.”
“Was it a good conversation with your dad?”
“It was fucking unexpected. He gave me an insight into his parenting choices and he told me he was sorry for a lot of things. It’ll take a bit to process.”
She smiles. “I’ve liked watching you two growing closer.”
“Yeah,” I say gruffly because the conversation with Dad is still affecting me.
With one last smile, she eyes the massive shopping bag I brought in with me. “What’s in the bag?”
I turn and reach for it. “I picked up a few things that I thought you might like.” I start unpacking the bag. “I did some research on what kinds of things pregnant women could use for self-care. I don’t know that you’ll use all of it, but I grabbed what I thought seemed useful or that I thought you’d like.”
Madeline watches as I fill a table with things like belly butter, a silk pillowcase, a pregnancy support pillow, a soft plush robe that I thought could be good for lounging around in at home, a foot massager, a heated eye mask, a lavender moisturizer and a chamomile one, and a pregnancy journal. “Oh my god, Ethan.” She picks up the journal and flicks through it. “I love all of this.”
I reach for her hand and pull her in close again. “I bought some pregnancy tests too. I thought we could do it together.”
“As in you pee on a stick while I pee on another?” She manages to keep a straight face but there’s a fun sparkle in her eyes.
“Yeah, baby, that’s exactly what I was thinking.”
Her grin is so fucking beautiful.
She grabs one of the tests and goes into the bathroom. I wait outside but she keeps the door open while she pees on the stick.
“You have to leave it under the stick for five seconds, Miller,” I say as I lean against the doorjamb. “And keep the tip pointing down.”
“You’re so cute, knowing that. Did you do thorough research on every brand of test? You know, to make sure we got only the best.”
I arch my brows at her smart-assery. “You know I fucking did.”
She grins as she puts the lid back on the stick and lays it flat on the vanity. “For a fast-and-loose guy, you’re so pedantic about some things.”