“Are you gonna complain about that when it benefits you?” I set the timer on my phone.

“I’m not complaining, Black. Just making an observation.”

I drag her in close to me, resting my hand on the curve of her ass. “You know, we never did finish ordering the songs on our playlist.”

“Oh, I did.”

“What? Without my input?”

“Well, I mean, you can rearrange them, but we’re not changing the #1 song.”

“That sounds like a rule I wouldn’t care to follow.”

She gives me a look. I imagine it’s the same look she’ll give our kids one day when she’s making it clear she’s to be obeyed. “You break that rule, there will be consequences.”

“What’s your #1 song?”

She glances down at my phone that’s sitting next to the pregnancy test. “Take a look for yourself. And it’s our #1 song.”

The timer goes off on my phone as I open up our playlist and find the song she chose, smiling when I see her choice, fucking loving her choice. My attention is immediately shifted to the stick sitting on the vanity that will tell us if we really are going to be parents.

Maddie’s hand finds mine while we both read the result.

Two lines.

Two lines that represent an entire life that will be lived because Madeline Miller let me join her on a recklessly, wild adventure and stole my heart without even trying.

She brings her beautiful blue eyes to mine. “It had to be that song.”

I trace my gaze over every curve, every line, every inch of her face, wondering if our baby will have those same lines and curves or if they’ll have mine. “Tell me your reason.”

Her hand comes to my abs. I hope it always does. “There are so many reasons.”

“You’re gonna have to spell them out for me, Miller.”

“I mean, firstly, it’s a great song.”


She turns into me, presses her body to mine, keeping her hand right there on my abs. “Second, life really is a highway.” She gives me her mouth. I will never have enough time with her mouth. “And you taught me that the bumps along the road make life interesting.”

“They do.” I only ever want to ride those bumps with her.

“And lastly.” She grips my neck with her other hand and if I can’t have an eternity of her claiming my neck, I don’t want that eternity. “When we listened to that song, it was the first time you looked at me like I was everything you ever wanted to see.”



Bestie, we are dead after spotting our girl @madelinemontana at a football game yesterday with @ethanblack and his family. Never have we seen her so happy. She laughed and cheered her way through the game while her bae struggled to take his eyes off her #sigh But wait for it...WAIT. FOR. IT. After the game, these lovebirds were sharing a private moment (ahem, word to the wise Mr. Black, there are no private moments for you anymore) when bae leaned in to kiss her and put his hand on Maddie’s stomach very daddy-possessively like, and shee-eesh, holy mother of little baby bows, we think they’re expecting a little #MontanaBlack of their own #gasp Whatever will her ex think of this? Wait, what was his name again? Thinking, thinking, thinking. Nope, we’re drawing a blank and we know you are too, because no one cares about him anymore. Seriously, @tuckerbrandt has shown us who he really is and all we can say is no wonder Maddie ran wildly into her new bae’s arms. It’s time to get your riding boots back out, girlfriend. We’re in full cowgirl era now. And one other thing, whoever dreamed up the idea of bringing FIVE of those Black brothers into this world should be given a gold medal. Forget subscribing to RedZone. Take our money and give us BlackZone.