Page 85 of Cunning Vows

“Oh.” She seems disappointed but takes a sip of her water. “Well, lucky your niece keeps me young,” she says with a little laugh. I realize now that River really is her everything. I thought most women would want their children to be parents. That it would be another reason she would want to set me to the side, but instead, she accepts me because of him.

The server walks over and sets plates full of food on the table. Without words, River pushes a portion of his rice dish onto a small plate for me.

“I’ve been dying to try these enchiladas.” His mother squeals with excitement. “So how did you two meet?”

I take a sip of the lukewarm water. “Coincidently, River bought the house beside me, and well, we just hit it off, didn’t we?” I say, amused.

“So that’s why he wasn’t gone for long yesterday when he went to retrieve his car,” his mother says. “Sorry your phone call came through the speaker. I was nervous you actually did torch his car.” She laughs.

My mouth curves into a smirk, and River squeezes my thigh again.

“So you’ve seen his home. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she says proudly.

“Exquisite,” I reply, then take a forkful of the food. I’m surprised that I enjoy its flavor.

“It’s the dogs that make her smile, so I’ve been avoiding bringing her back until I can elicit the same reaction.”

“Dogs are a good judge of character,” his mother says pointedly.

My phone buzzes, and I look down to see Clay’s name. He knows where I am and would only call in an emergency. “Excuse me.” I slide out of the booth and walk to the front of the restaurant.

“Did something happen at the auction?” I ask immediately.

“No, miss. Meredith is here,” he says.

“At the auction house?” I look at my snake watch. “It’s over, and patrons should have left now. Why is she there?”

“She said she’s here to see you and she’s not moving until she does.”

I curse. What the fuck is the old bitch up to? “I’m on my way.”

“Vance is already on his way to pick you up.”

I hang up the phone and walk back into the restaurant.

River and his mother are laughing, and it feels intrusive to ruin what looks like a wholesome moment. I never had this growing up. I’ve never yearned for it either. It’s simply interesting to watch.

“Something came up at work,” I say.

“You have to go?” his mother asks.


“I’ll drive you,” River says, wiping his mouth.

“Vance is already on his way to pick me up. He’ll be here any minute.”

“Then I’ll walk you out,” River says as he slides out of the booth.

“It was lovely meeting you. If you have time, I would love it if you could come to River’s while I’m still visiting,” his mother says earnestly.

Surprised, I offer a nod as a goodbye.

“Is everything okay?” he asks.

“It’s Meredith. She’s at the auction house. Looks like she and I need to have a discussion about boundaries.”

“Do you need anything?”