Page 86 of Cunning Vows

The question catches me off guard. “When would I ever need anything from anyone?”

He gives me a pointed look, and I sigh.

“Well, if you do, let me know. My mother likes you, by the way,” he says, surprising me.

“No, she does not. If you believe that, then poor judgment is hereditary, it seems.”

He leans in and kisses my cheek. “She likes you, and so do I.”

My car pulls up, and I see Vance in the driver’s seat.

“Ask her if she still likes me when she discovers what I really do,” I say with a haughty laugh.

“Should I tell your brother the explicit ways you crawl to me in the bedroom, sweetheart? Let’s agree that some secrets are best kept between us,” he taunts with a smug expression. He tries to grab me again, but I’m already climbing into the car and putting my hair back in a bun.

“I’ll see you later, River. Don’t be late tonight. I might even leave my window open,” I tease.



I’m back here again. Why? Because she called.

And when she calls, I come. No matter how much I don’t want to. That’s what you do for family. Or so I’ve been led to believe.

Lately, however, the old bitch is getting her nose out of joint, and she’s about to hear some hard truths.

When I arrive at the mansion where the auction finished over an hour ago, only a few lights are on. The door to the office is open, and she’s comfortably sitting in my chair.

“You’re looking awfully fucking cozy,” I say as I walk in.

Vance and Clay remain outside the door. I don’t have to worry about anyone overhearing this conversation.

“You’re still seeing him,” she says with disgust.

“Do you really think I would stop seeing someone because you said so?”

“Your brother always listened better than you,” she scoffs.

“Yeah, so you always tell me. But who is the one you always call?”

“That’s because your brother never fucking answers,” she snaps. “Avoiding my calls, that little shit.”

“He’s avoiding all calls,” I remind her. “Not just yours.”

“I told you to stay away from River because he’s bad news.”

“Yes, I remember, but you want to know what?” I raise a brow as I pause. “I’m worse.” She shakes her head and stares at me.

“Stay away from him. Do you want the business that we built to go up in flames? Because that’s what will happen. Men like him like to be in charge. Do you think he will let you remain more powerful than him?” she sneers. “Powerful and greedy men don’t like to let women rule.”

“Alek lets me,” I remind her.

“Your brother is different.”

“Why? It was only a week ago you were telling me to announce him as dead.”

She slams her hands on the desk. “Because he is. He was raised by me,” Meredith says, as if that’s point enough.