“Mateo is…” I look up at the sky, trying to decide how to sum him up. “He’s turned out to be pretty amazing. Like, I’m constantly surprised by how much I enjoy being with him, by how sweet and thoughtful he is.” I give my mom an extremely abbreviated summary of our conversations at Lake Games and Bookafe, and our first date. I conclude by telling her about playing soccer together yesterday.

There’s silence for what feels like a really long time. I finally hear what sounds like a sniffle. “You played soccer again?” she asks, voice laced with emotion.

I grin to myself. “Yeah. It was really amazing.”

“I’m clearly going to need to meet this boy. But if he’s as sweet as you say, and he got you to do something you love but ignored for such a long time, he already has a stamp of approval in my book,” Mom says.

“I’ve gotta get into class, Mom, but I’m sure you can meet him when you and Dad come visit. I promise I’ll keep you updated in the meantime. Tell everyone I love them!”

I hang up and hurry into the building to sit down right as class begins. Relief washes over me. Although I knew my mom would be supportive no matter what, it feels good to hear her so pleased about Mateo. Even if some of that pleasure is due to me opening the door to soccer.

Thinking about soccer reminds me about the match tomorrow, so I slyly pull my phone out under my desk and send a text to Teegan. She’s also in a class now, but I can always count on Teegan to check her phone during classes.

Will you go with me to the soccer match tomorrow? I’ll feel better having someone to sit with


Will I go watch Mateo and all his soccer bros running around being all athletic and stuff? Duh yeah

I snicker and cover it up with a cough.

You’re so self-sacrificing

You’re lucky to have me. But you’re going to have to explain everything since you apparently have harbored a secret knowledge about everything soccer. I used to go to the games freshman year but that was only for the socialization, not the sport

I’m sorry for not telling you about it sooner, but you can’t hold it against me forever

You underestimate my grudge-holding powers. I demand some open swooning over Mateo from you in my presence if I’m ever going to let it go

Sigh. You’re impossible

Impossible not to love, you’re so right

Friday after lunch, my phone dings with a calendar reminder. Law school app. NO EXCUSES!!!

The AOPi house is a little more chaotic than usual—several of the freshmen came over after their morning classes to have a reality TV marathon in the movie room. Teegan is trying to get me to join them in the name of sisterhood bonding, but I must make progress on my application today if I want to get it submitted this month.

I show Teegan the calendar notification on my phone screen like a trump card. “Fine, fine. Go be a responsible human being,” she relents. “You might want to go work someplace else though—Amaya just texted me that she’s planning on a power nap this afternoon.”

Amaya was up late last night after the After Party finalizing some homecoming details and sending out reminders to girls who signed up. I’m so glad I opted out of AOPi leadership this year. But I’m proud of how hard Amaya is working to make AOPi the best version of itself.

Heading out to the parking lot with my backpack, I pause when I see a text from Aaron come through on my watch. I pull out my phone to read the whole message.


Had our first planning session for homecoming showcase last night. Won’t be near as fun without you this year

My heart starts pounding. Aaron has no idea that I’ve gone on dates with Mateo. He probably doesn’t even know that I’ve talked to Mateo.

A wave of guilt washes over me, but I shake it out of my system by repeating the mantras Amaya pounded into me when I told her why I skipped After Party. “Aaron has never asked me out. If Aaron feels jealous of me dating Mateo, that’s his problem, not mine,” she made me repeat over and over until she was convinced I believed it.

I decide to reply to Aaron in the least flirty fashion I can think of. I’ll just completely ignore his reference to us dancing together last year.

Prepare to lose epically because AOPi is going to dominate this year