Aaron sends back a “We Are The Champions” GIF, but I leave it on read and head to my car.

I sit down in the driver’s seat, about to start the ignition when I see something stuck under my windshield wiper. Opening the door a crack, I half stand and reach around to grab it before sitting back down in the car.

It’s a generic letter envelope with Lana scrawled on the outside. I break the seal and pull out a piece of notebook paper, unfolding it to see Mateo’s signature at the bottom.

I can’t help but smile before I’ve even read a word.

Lana – I’m writing this after unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep after our dinner date. I feel bad that this isn’t a real card, or at least some nice paper, but notebook paper is all I had on hand in the middle of the night. Next time will be better.

I don’t even know when I’ll give this to you. Probably not right away. I don’t want to come on too strong and scare you away because I know that you’re still getting used to this, getting used to thinking about us. It’s still new for you. But my sister Isabel told me there’s a Taylor Swift song about saying how you feel even though the beginning of the relationship is fragile, so maybe you won’t mind since you’re also a Swiftie. At least I know you like her music. I don’t know if being called a Swiftie is a compliment or an insult to you. Please trust I would only ever compliment you.

I’m getting off track here. I just have to tell you that tonight was one of the best nights of my life. I know that probably sounds like an exaggeration. Of course I’ve had lots of best times with my family, with my soccer teams. But tonight was the longest coming best time. I’ve thought about what I would do if I had the chance to take you on a date so much over the past couple of years, thought about how I’d feel, what I’d say, what you’d say, how I could make it perfect. And the reality was so much better than anything I’d ever pictured.

You looked so freaking gorgeous. You came walking down the porch steps in that dress with your hair around your shoulders, and I immediately felt like an impostor to be taking you out. And as much as I’ve admired you over the years, I was still blown away by how much more incredible you are than I even knew. I enjoyed learning more about your life and appreciated how interested you were in hearing about mine.

Maybe I shouldn’t have asked you to dance, maybe that was too much for a first date, but between the sunset and the music and you looking so beautiful, I just couldn’t help myself. And now I don’t regret it because that’s an experience I won’t stop thinking about for a long time. Maybe ever. I hope not ever.

I guess I should end there or I really will scare you away. And that’s the one thing I never want to do.


I lean my head back against the headrest and hold the paper to my chest. I’m pretty sure if you held up an x-ray, you’d see my heart growing three sizes like in the classic Grinch cartoon. I immediately reread the letter with a huge, goofy grin on my face that I don’t even care to tone down.

“I really like Mateo,” I whisper to myself at the end. I don’t just like the fact that he likes me, although I do appreciate the way he’s so open about his feelings, so unafraid to express what he thinks about me. But even more than that, I really like his godly character, his humor, his thoughtfulness, his personality, the way he interacts with and treats other people.

“I really REALLY like him!” I scream in the car, thankful that no one is around to witness this.

I’m about to text him thank you for the note when I decide that’s not good enough. Not after he poured his heart out in his letter. I rip a piece of paper out of the notes section of my planner and write Mateo’s name at the top.

Mateo – thank you so much for your note. I can’t think of a sweeter gesture that anyone has ever done for me. And that’s after everything you did on our first date was the sweetest ever.

The song that you’re referring to is Delicate. And it’s cool that you said all that.

Don’t let anyone tell you that the term Swiftie is an insult.

And I’m not scared away. Not even a little.

Can’t wait to watch you play tomorrow.


I fold the paper in half but realize I have no clue where Mateo lives. I assume in an apartment or house with some soccer teammates, but I don’t know where. I’m going to need to remedy that asap. For now, I drive toward the soccer complex, hoping they’re still at practice.

Luckily, I see Mateo’s truck in the parking lot. I leave my car in park, and hurry to tuck my note under Mateo’s windshield wiper just like he did mine, then quickly drive away so I don’t get caught.

I’m flushed with a rush of happy adrenaline. I smile thinking about him finding the note after practice. I can’t decide if I hope no one else is around when he discovers it or if a few teammates are there to razz him over it. I take it back—I definitely hope Andrès or someone else is there to give him grief.

Knowing there’s no way I’ll be able to concentrate on my personal statement now, I decide to head back to AOPi and just relax with the girls. Watching mind-numbing reality TV will be an easy way to half pay attention and half think about Mateo. Well, let’s be honest, probably 90/10 attention in Mateo’s favor.

I park but don’t head inside until I’ve reread Mateo’s letter twice more. After quietly stashing my backpack in our dark room, I follow the sound of voices giggling and yelling judgments at TV characters down to the movie room. Coming up behind Teegan on the couch, I cover her eyes with my hands. She grabs my wrists and looks up at me in surprise. “I thought you were ditching us to work on your application?”

I shrug my shoulder with a smirk, and she immediately gets up to “go pop more popcorn.” Pausing in the empty stairwell, I quietly tell her about finding Mateo’s note on my car. I can tell she’s about to squeal but clap my hand over her mouth just in time.

“What?!” she whisper yells. “What did he say? Are you going to let me read it?”

I laugh quietly and whisper yell back at her. “No, I’m not going to let you read it. But you can rest assured that it was very sweet. And thoughtful. And one of the most romantic gestures I can possibly imagine.” I’m goofy grinning again with one hand over my heart.

“Now that’s the kind of swooning I was demanding,” Teegan says in a normal voice before I shush her. “I officially forgive you for neglecting to tell us about your athletic prowess. But I may not forgive you now for refusing to let me read your love letter. I’ll contemplate what your penance will be.”