Her friend will take Dakota down to parade her once again. She’ll be shown off, like others will. Except this way, I control it.

All part of staking my claim.

“Enough,” I continue. “To warrant a severe punishment.” I pause and swirl the bourbon around my glass. “Actually, I have a delicate request.”

He straightens up at that. “Yes?”

“A sedative.”

“Say no more. Got some sleep-sex fantasies? I’d fuck her so hard up her ass, timing it just right that she wakes in the middle of it. Though double ass action might be more fun if she’s out. Fuck, imagine her coming to while that’s happening…”

I laugh. It seems like a smarter move than ripping off his balls.

“Here.” He takes me over to a drawer in the wet bar and pulls it open, showing me an array of labeled drugs. “We’ve given her this before. This is enough to knock her out for an hour. Two will last longer and so on. Don’t go over four.”

I take what I need, finish my drink, and pocket it. “For later. My plan is, when I punish her later, I’ll take her when she passes out tonight. Let her wake up, sore, cum leaking from her every hole. Maybe fuck her ass again while she’s awake, let the tension get to be almost too much for her.”

The thing is, I know it’s supposed to be a show for these fucking perverts, but my cock jumps at the thought of plunging inside her tight, hot holes.

The guy practically drools at my words, takes a long swallow of his drink, then removes a cigar for himself.

“Carter? Put on a good show. Come down her throat before she’s taken downstairs.”

Confirmation they’re watching.

“A good show is my pleasure,” I say.

With that, I leave and take a long walk around the outside of the mansion.

This is an island, so I guess the only other people who live here work for the Collectors. So I’m not worried about tripping an alarm on the grounds.

I don’t see guards, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Because things can happen.

The old pool area and tangle of flowering plants has a worn path that looks to be a way to get to and from the mansion. The workers must use it since it’s out of the way from the guest areas.

If a tiger’s coming in tomorrow, it won’t be to the small marina in the front. It’ll be where the workers live since they’ll be the ones to get it here.

And if it’s coming tomorrow, it’ll be early.

That’s how we’ll get out. That’s our chance to escape.

I check my watch, then head back into my room. I open the little side door. “Have you been good, baby girl?”

Without waiting for an answer, I cross over to her and make a show of untying her. “We’re going to play a game.” I pull her into my arms, and then I tie her hands behind her back. “So slut, how are you at blow jobs?”

She jerks a little, but I lead her from my room to hers and speak low.

“You’re going to do your best?—”

“For real?”

I try not to hear the longing in her voice.

“For real. It’s the only way not to make them suspicious. After we’re done, I’m going to dress you up, send you down to them for about twenty minutes. I’ll show up, give you a drink, and after you finish it, you’ll get woozy and start passing out. Then it’s game on.”

I don’t give her a chance to respond. I put my mouth to her ear. “I’ll pretend to come early. And Dakota, I?—”

“Don’t. Please don’t apologize,” she whispers, “I want it. W-with you. I want?—”