I pour a drink from the wet bar, and the stock market guy comes in. “Where’s your little fuck rag?”

Taking a long, slow swallow of liquor, I entertain myself with fantasies of shoving his head into the flames and holding it there while he screams. I’d bring him out, only to plunge his face back in.

Then I smile.

“Waiting for me. Tied to a chair. I’d have stuffed a vibrator up her tight cunt and set it on high if I had one.” I shrug and continue drinking before he offers me one. I’m betting they’ve got quite the collection of toys.

He opens a leather case that he pulls from his pocket and offers me a cigar.

“Not for me. Never liked the taste.”

He shrugs and puts them away. “Ever had tiger, Carter?”

“Can’t say I have.”

“You’re in for a treat tomorrow.”

“Looking forward to it.”

I picture myself fileting the fucker.

But I can’t for the life of me remember his name or what he does. And that makes me suspicious. Like he hasn’t offered up that information. But I let that float through me while memorizing his blandly handsome face, height, build, the graying brown hair.

It’s the look of a man who doesn’t give a fuck about grooming himself within an inch of his life like the others do.

That, or a man who prefers to blend in.

I don’t trust men like that. Even if that’s what the rest of the Knights and I do when situations dictate…

“A word of advice since you’re new to this arm of the Collectors.”

I wait for him to continue, clutching my glass tight.

“It’s not enough to pay for the privilege of having her first, her sweetness and fame and youth are an aphrodisiac around here, so put a stamp on her. Make the claim tonight.”

I mull over his meaning. Something in me lurches. It’s both disgusting and hot. I shouldn’t want to do this, not at their request… fuck, not at anyone’s request, but that’s Orion. Right now, I’m fucking Jaxson, who likes his thrills on the edge of everything.

“I do things at my own pace.”

“You showed her tits but not the rest.”

They want to see, they want that vicarious thrill while they plan what they’re going to do. “I didn’t do that earlier for anyone but myself.”

It’s the right level of arrogance because he smiles, fixes himself a drink, then offers me another one.

“The small batch bourbon, neat.” I point to the unopened bottle.

He hands me my drink and sips his. “A fine choice.”

“The claiming,” I ask. “Do you keep tapes?”

“Of what goes on in the rooms? Not generally, unless asked. The other sessions to come… yes. You want a copy?”

“No.” I don’t believe him, but there’s not much I can do about it at this moment in time. “I’m planning on giving her some rope and then yanking her back to punish her. Send that girl who got her here to the slut’s room in an hour.”

“Done. There are drinks later, before their private fun starts.” He looks at me. “Touching policy?”

“A little, but nothing invasive.” I pause. “This time.”