Page 32 of Real Thing

“Of course I am. I can’t take all this from you for free.”

Daphne bags everything up nicely, handing it to me. “Are you kidding me? I haven’t forgotten about all the clothes you donated to me before you left town. That was such a big help when I was trying to get my business off the ground. I appreciate it so much.”

“I wasn’t expecting anything in return,” I tell her.

Still, she waves me off. “I’m not taking your money, Inez. And trust me, you’d be doing me a favor. Just having the hometown celebrity wearing all these clothes out and about is like free advertising for me.”

Celebrity? I chafe. I feel like anything but a celebrity.

At first, I hesitate, but the look in her eyes keeps me from fighting her on this. “You’re the sweetest, Daphne. At least give me some flyers to hand out for you?”

“Deal!” she agrees excitedly, handing over a stack of business cards.

I give her a little salute on my way out.

“I can’t wait to meet up for breakfast.” She grins and waves from behind the counter. “And don’t forget to let us know when your phone gets activated so we can add you to our group chat.”

She says it all so casually. I don’t think she has any idea how much that invitation means to me. I swallow back the wave of emotion that sweeps its way up my chest.

Despite my bubbly, outgoing exterior, I know that I keep people at a distance.It’s one of my biggest character flaws. But I can’t help but hope that maybe this is my chance to finally form some actual friendships.

I think about it as I head to the phone shop to get my account re-activated, and for the entire walk back to Nolan’s place. My thoughts are enough to keep me distracted from the blisters that sprout up on my feet over the long journey. I’m sweaty and overheated by the time I step into the cool shade of his house. I dump my shopping bags in the home office and wander off in search of a drink.

I’m gulping down a glass of water when Nolan rushes into the kitchen. Wearing a pair of hoochie daddy shorts, might I add.

Okay, fine. They’re not exactly hoochie daddy shorts. But Nolan Brighton is definitely showing off some extra thigh in those well-fitted knee-length khakis.

I’ll say this—Daddy Hot Stuff is a man who did not skip ‘leg day’ at the gym this week.

Anyway, it’s right about the time that he usually goes to pick up Stella from school. He openly eyeballs me as he swipes his keys off the counter.

These days, I swear I feel his eyes on me any time I’m not looking.I’m trying not to read anything into it. Nolan doesn’t like me ‘like that’. Nolan doesn’t like anybody ‘like that’.

If given a shot, would he take the opportunity to get his rocks off with me? Maybe. He’s a guy, after all. Most guys would jump at the chance for an easy lay. But that’s not what I’m looking for.

I want commitment. I want forever. Nolan doesn’t.

End of story.

“Hey, you look like you’re burning up. Where’d you go?” he asks me.

“Just went to take a walk in town,” I say from over the rim of my glass.

His gaze sweeps over me again. He frowns. “You walked today? All the way into town?”

I nod. “Yeah. I wanted to get out of the house. And I don’t have a car so, yeah, I walked.”

His glare narrows. Oh boy. He’s about to go off on me with the protective dad stuff as usual, isn’t he?

“Inez, you look like you’re about to drop dead from heat exhaustion. I’ll give you a ride next time.”

The words are innocent enough. It’s the way he says it, though.

The water I’m drinking goes down the wrong pipe. I quickly slap a hand over my mouth to keep from spraying the liquid through my nose. He’ll give me a what next time?!

“Nolan…” I heave, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Smirking, he grabs my empty glass and refills it to the brim from the water pitcher.