Page 31 of Real Thing

I’ve always been friendly with the girls, but by the way they all enthusiastically greet me now, you’d think we were long lost besties.

Daphne, Karli, and Layla have always been nice to me. But I was never a part of their circle. I was always sort of on the outside looking in.

I don’t have any close friends. For some reason, girls never seem to like me. I always try to be nice. I put in the effort. But my efforts never seem to lead anywhere.

I guess I blame it on my childhood. Moving from home to home, I didn’t have much opportunity to get close to others. And by the time I found a good, steady foster home, I already had built up walls around me.

So even now that I’m a grown woman, a part of me is still always holding back.

“We saw you with Nolan and Stella at the burger joint the other day,” Karli continues, “but Layla refused to let me come over and say hi.”

“That’s because I know how over-the-top you can be.” Layla eyeballs Karli before turning to grin at me. “The three of you looked so adorable together. I didn’t want Karli to make a big scene and put you guys on the spot.”

I laugh. “Well, thanks for saving me from the spotlight.”

A woman with twinkling eyes and gorgeous brown curls stands off to the side, observing us. Karli drags her into the fold. “This is Nicky. You two haven’t met.”

Nicky sticks her hand out in my direction. “Hey. I’m Ronan’s girlfriend. He’s told me so much about you. We watched every episode of your show together.”

So much changed while I was away! “Oh my god—Ronan has a girlfriend?! You must be a brave woman. I don’t even know you but I like you already.” Grinning, I lean forward to hug her instead of shaking her hand. “I am not going to ask what Ronan must have told you about me.”

“Only how much everyone around town loves you,” Nicky assures me.

The five of us dissolve into easy chatter and laughter. But even though this conversation is flowing smoothly, my guard is still up. Just a little bit.

“This place looks amazing,” I marvel, glancing around the shop. “You’ve really made something special here, Daphne, and I’m in dire need of some cute clothes.”

“You’ve come to the right place then,” the proud boutique owner says. “I’ll hook you up, girl.”

“I don’t know…” Karli jokes, eyeballing my T-shirt with a raised eyebrow. “That top works on you.”

I blush. She’s not complimenting my style. Karli is confirming that she knows I’m wearing her brother’s oversized T-shirt. The fact that I’ve tried to doll it up with a little knot at the side and some bangles on my wrist conceals nothing apparently.

“No, please. Fix me up,” I beg the girls with a laugh.“I’ve been living out of a small suitcase for longer than I care to admit.”

Layla checks the time on her phone and then she groans. “I wish I could stay but I have to head back to work. I already lost three jobs over the past few months. I’m at the pet shop now. I can’t lose this job, too. Diapers and baby food aren’t cheap.”

Nicky buttons up the front of her light sweater. “I should head out, too. Ronan has already texted me a dozen times about making plans for dinner.”

“I have some studying to catch up on. Boo!” Karli mutters, pouting and doing a double thumbs-down.

“I didn’t know you’re back in school,” I say. When I left town, she was filling in for the medical center receptionist who was out on maternity leave.

“I’d love to hang out sometime. You know, if you’re not too busy,” Layla offers brightly.

“Why don’t we all meet up for breakfast later this week?” Karli suggests. “We want to hear all about your adventures.”

“And we have tons of gossip to catch you up on.” Daphne smiles, wiggling her engagement ring in my face.

“That’d be really great, actually,” I say a little too quickly. “It would be a nice change to hang out with some girls who aren’t all fighting to marry the same guy.”

“I can’t even imagine that.” Nicky cringes. “You’re a better woman than I am. I’m way too territorial for that shit.”

The girls give me their numbers, and I promise to text them all when I get my phone back in service.

The three of them head out, leaving me and Daphne to focus on replenishing my wardrobe.

I don’t pick out a ton—because I’m clearly on a tight budget—but when I pile my finds on the front counter and try to pay, Daphne scoffs. “No way! You’re not paying me.”