Page 24 of Unwanted

His lips are as soft as they look. He kisses me slowly, as though I’m worth savoring. The heat simmers in the kiss, building between the soft brushes of his lips until I squirm for him, reaching for his skin. He deepens the kiss, his tongue darting into my mouth for a taste, and a burst of his flavor hits me.

I moan, my leg slotting around his hip. He explores my mouth, grabbing a handful of my ass and pulling me flush against him. His cock is a hard pulse between us, daring me to take it further. And I want to, gods do I want to. My hands find the back of his neck until I tangle in his curls.

I kiss him back with everything he gives me, feeling desperate. It’s so, so good. My body is hot, my belly liquid heat. Everything I’m supposed to remember is lost in the taste of his mountain air and the heated trail of his hands over my body.

Finn groans and trails kisses down my neck. “We have to stop, baby.”

I nod, sucking in a breath as he scrapes his teeth along my throat. “I know.”

This time, he returns to my mouth with a peck to my lips. His forehead falls to mine. “If you’re okay with me staying, I’ll fold into your morning routine. I’ll make everyone breakfast and help get you all out the door. But if you’re not ready for that, I need to go.”

I’m not ready for that. Even if I wish I could be. “Not yet.”

He kisses my forehead then rolls off me and out of the bed. Already, I wish he would come back. He’s naked except for the tiny black boxers he’s wearing. But I can’t focus on that for too long because there are so many places to look. His skin is smooth except for his pierced nipples and the lines of his hard body as he moves around the room. Uncovered, the tattoos span his entire upper half. There are dozens, maybe more, that all work together to create a masterpiece. He’s literally the prettiest person I’ve ever seen, like an erotic drawing come to life.

“You can’t look at me like that. I only have so much control, and you’ve burned through all of it this morning,” Finn grumbles.

I sigh and flop back on my bed. “I know.”

“You’re gonna need to air this room out,” Finn says, his tone full of embarrassment.

I sit back up, eyeing him as he jumps into his jeans. His cheeks are speckled red, and he won’t meet my eyes as he tries to locate his shirt in my messy room.

“My omega decided it was a new nest. I’m sorry. It’s strong in here.” He holds up an old, oversized T-shirt I sleep in. “Can I take this?”

He darts a look at me and makes this sheepish move with his hand in his hair. It makes him look absolutely adorable. I didn’t know grown men could be so cute.

“My shirt?” I ask, pointing at it in confusion.

“Smells so fucking good.” He clenches the fabric as though he’s having to restrain himself.

“Do I need to be worried? Is this a fetish?” I ask, mostly teasing.

“No.” His posture relaxes, the embarrassment giving way to the more playful man I’m becoming used to. He waggles his brows devilishly. “But I’m accepting applications for fantasies of all kinds.”

I laugh, shaking my head at his flirting. He won’t get me sidetracked again. “Then why?—”

“I’m an omega. We’re like dragons. We hoard things.” He slips his T-shirt back on, puts mine in his back pocket, then leans over me on the bed. He kisses me with a soft brush of his lips.

“That’s my dirty shirt in your pocket,” I say into his skin.

He leans back with a nervous chuckle and runs his hand through his hair. “I know it’s kinda weird, but it’s saturated in your scent. I want it for my nest. Omegas need the scents of their mates around them to feel grounded. Now that I know you’re mine, I’ve missed your scent.”

My mouth falls open. I’ve never been around an omega before, not close enough to learn what they need. I didn’t realize he would like my scent. Betas hardly have a scent at all. The fact that he wants my scent with him is sweet and oddly arousing. But more than anything, my mind trips over and over on the word mate.

“You were serious about the mate thing. Like fated, scent matched?” I ask, dumbfounded.

“Yup.” He gives me an indulgent smile, then makes a noise that’s clearly some kind of dog command.

Waffles eyes him, stretches, and hops down from the bed.

“But I’m a beta,” I say stupidly.

But seriously, what gives?

His smile returns. “You are.”

My mind is really whirring now, like water down a sink drain.I’m their mate? Me?“How is that possible?”