Page 23 of Unwanted

He pulls back the covers, and I climb in, lying on my side. He leans down and kisses my forehead.

“Good night, baby.” He turns and walks to the door, then freezes. “Shit. This is a tuck-in-fail. I didn’t think this through. We need to have you come secure the lock.”

I eye the obnoxiously good-looking omega standing in my messy bedroom. He’s too sexy, and I’m too needy.My stomach is a ball of nerves, but I manage to get the words out. “Or you could stay. I sleep better when I’m not alone. But it’s not for anything but sleep.”

Finn salutes me. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll lock up.”

He’s gone and back before I have time to second-guess my decision. Waffles eyes him when he returns, sniffing, then goes back to guarding the end of my bed.

“This still okay?”

“Yeah.” I can’t explain why, but Finn’s scent is like a weighted blanket, lulling me to sleep. I don’t want to fight it, not when I’m so tired.

Finn tugs his black T-shirt over his head one-handed, highlighting the colorful tattoos on his bicep and the swell of his muscles. He’s got little barbells through his nipples, and I low-key want to pounce on him. Even though I know I shouldn’t. His shoes and jeans are next, and I cock my brow.

“What? I need to be comfortable.”

“I bet.”

He chuckles, and I scoot over, holding up the edge of my blanket. Finn slides into the bed, making a disgruntled sound. “Turn over.”

I comply, and he takes position as the big spoon, wrapping his arms around me and dragging me back until I’m resting against his broad chest. The contact feels exquisite. I don’t know that I’ve ever been held this way. Finn’s body heat seeps into my bones, making my muscles relax. His leather and mountain air scent curls around us, creating a thick canopy that sends me deeper into the haze of relaxation. He rubs his cheek along my hair, I think to scent mark me, but I’m too sleepy to wonder more about why. That sweet, soft purr starts again, a steady lullaby that complements his scent, and within minutes, the world fades.

Chapter 8


The alarm blares too early. I fumble around, turning it off.

Finn grumbles, “Make it stop.” His hand darts out and he drags me back into his embrace, wrapping his thick arms around my waist.

My room smells like a dream, and I don’t know if I’ve ever been cozier. My muscles are relaxed, and I’m so warm. There’s a low thrumming arousal beneath my skin, aided by the hard bulge resting against my back. But it adds to the dream-like feeling, giving the world a glow.

Finn was a gentleman during the night. He cuddled me but never had wandering hands. I feel so good in his arms. It’s as if my body was missing his touch, and only now can I finally relax.

Even though my eyes are heavy and I want to go back to sleep, my heart feels more at peace than it has in a while. Part of me wants Finn to kiss me already, to see how it feels to let go with him. It’s been so long since anyone has wanted me or I’ve felt that unfurling of attraction. I wish I could give over to it and let it carry me away.

But the reality is I need to be careful. I was weak last night when I invited him to my bed. My kids don’t need to be involved until I know he and Reid are the real deal. My muscles freeze, thinking about the fact that I already got them involved by letting Finn stay here.

“Wow. What happened?” Finn asks, voice gravelly from sleep. “It was like your whole body tensed up.” Finn’s hands skirt across my stomach and up the back of my shirt, massaging each sore place.

I roll over to face him and am hit with his beauty all over again. His sharp features are less severe in the haze of the golden morning, and the colorful tattoos on his chest look like an open invitation to explore. He’s a work of art in my bed. And he can’t be here when my kids get up.

I swallow and ruin the moment. “Don’t take this wrong, but I need you to get up. I don’t want to confuse my kids.”

Finn tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. His expression is so open that it feels as if I can read his every thought. “You’re beautiful in the morning, even when trying to get me to do the walk of shame.” He smiles at me, easily forgiving the slight.

“It’s just that?—”

He cups my chin, searching my face. “I understand. You’re their mom, and I trust you to know what they need. How you do this is up to you.”

I swallow around the lump in my throat and nod.

“Can I kiss you before I go?” he asks.

I nod again, words seeming to escape me.

He holds my face between his hands, his movements gentle as he studies me. That pull between us causes butterflies to dive-bomb in my stomach and every nerve in my body to come alive. He traces my cheek and leans in.