Page 38 of Feral Possession

“What do you suggest I do?” This was usually the kind of thing she’d consult Vivian or Armond about.

Celeste hitched her shoulders. “Hit the spa, get a makeover, and take his breath away at the party tonight.”

Dove snorted. That wasn’t the answer she was hoping for, but it could work. Or not. “I get the feeling I could walk in wearing nothing but a feather boa and he’d still look through me.”

“Ha!” Celeste barked a laugh. “I’d like to see that. I bet Xavier throws one heck of a party. Seriously, what’s with that guy? He’s so, I don’t know…”

“Appealing, in all the wrong ways?”

“Yeah, like a chocolate you’ve dropped on the floor. You know it’s dirty, but you still want to pick it up, dust it off, and take a bite. Am I right?”

“So right,” Dove exhaled. “And the way he smells. Did you notice that?”

“Like coconut, vanilla and sultry sunsets.”

Strange. Dove hadn’t picked up any of those fragrances. Still, he did smell delicious. “Bet Xavier’s parties are just as decadent. No way I’m letting my workaholic benefactor ruin this experience.” One night of fun wasn’t too much to ask.

“Right on, sister.” Celeste rolled out of bed. “Let’s get to work so we can carve your pumpkin, Cinderella.”

Dove lurched upright, spurred by a burst of motivation. “Sooner we’re done, the sooner I can hit the spa.” Tonight, she wanted to be as dazzling as Xavier himself.


Marcus sat in a chair in the darkest corner of the resort’s lounge, waiting for his Chosen to meet him for dinner. With Dove gone at the spa most of the day, he’d actually got a bit of work done. He tossed back another swig of bourbon and glared at the hallway. Given the carefree way Dove presented herself to the world, it couldn’t take this long to get ready. By the gods, if she embarrassed him, this would be the last time he allowed her in the public’s eye.

His temples throbbed. Already, he wished he were back in his penthouse, away from all this light, laughter, and noise. He dreaded the party ahead. Fucking Xavier. It wasn’t enough that he’d blackmailed him into visiting his garish resort. He also expected him to socialize. The bastard held Marcus over the coals and knew it.

The night promised to be hellish. Who did Xavier invite anyway? It wouldn’t surprise him if he’d sold tickets to this freak show. Those of the upper echelon would love nothing more than to gawk at a fallen lord. Already, he could picture the pity in some, smug laughter in others. Their curious eyes dissecting his disfigured body.

Movement from the hallway captured his attention. He turned, taking in the vision of his Chosen. “It’s about time you—” She stalked toward him, looking like some Greek goddess come to life. Thoughts scrambled.


Gold straps circled her ankles. Sparkling material swathed her curvy hips, parting over one shapely thigh. Above the silken waistline, her stomach was bare. The expanse of skin invited a male to tuck his palm into the small of her back. Gilded fabric crisscrossed her full breasts. Her gleaming shoulders were exposed, leaving her graceful neck unadorned.

He should have purchased jewelry for her. Diamonds. Except they would have paled beside the brand he’d place on her throat. His mark. His. Blood pounded in his veins.

She’s beautiful.

Her silver curls were drawn away from her temples. The rest left to cascade in a thick silver waterfall down her back. He imagined his fingers running through the silken length. First, he’d fist his hand in the silk at her nape. Drag her head back. Run his nose along the column of her gorgeous throat. Slide his tongue against her heated flesh.



Something inside of him reached out to her. Inky tendrils swirled around her skirts. Shadows rolled beneath her feet like a ceremonial carpet. Despite the murk surrounding her, she strode forward, head high. While already entranced by her appearance, this new image held him spellbound. She seemed an artist rendering of darkness and light.

My light.

Voices echoed, and a door slammed, the shock enough to snap him from his stupor.

No! What was he doing? In his moment of distraction, the demon’s energy had pushed to the surface.

“Back off, you bastard,” Marcus snarled the mental command.

“Want to touch,” grumbled the demon.

“Over my dead body.”