Page 37 of Feral Possession

Their luggage rested beside the door, delivered in advance by Xavier’s efficient staff. Marcus grabbed one of the smaller cases, withdrew his laptop, and set it on the table. Over his shoulder, he ordered, “Celeste, Dove, get that ward in place. We have much to do before the dinner party tonight. Apparently, it’s a couples’ event.”

Dove’s breath caught. “Couples?” She shoved down the tingling feeling, knowing they were anything but a couple. “You’re inviting me because Bishop wouldn’t look good in the dress?”

Celeste snorted a laugh and was quickly silenced by the hard glare Bishop tossed her way.

“Just make sure the ward is finished and you’re ready on time.”

Dove huffed a disgruntled sigh. Instead of taking a moment to appreciate the space, both Marcus and Bishop were focused on business. “Fine.” She stomped to her suitcase.

Celeste followed, muttering to Dove under her breath. “Tropical paradise and all they want to do is work.”

“Let’s finish this quick so we can hit the spa,” Dove whispered.

Bishop paused to stare at the two of them, thick brow lowered. Oops. Curse his supernatural hearing.

“Fast isn’t always bad. Not everyone is a fan of a slow-burn,” Celeste defended, meeting the werewolf’s eyes. Dove winced at the double meaning. If this thing between Celeste and the werewolf moved any slower, they’d be in reverse.

Supplies in hand, they headed to the nearest bedroom. Celeste closed the door halfway, speaking to Bishop through the opening. “Secret girl spell-casting stuff. Best performed in the nude. We’ll let you know when we’re done.” With that, she pushed it shut on the bodyguard’s dumfounded expression.

Dove giggled, dropped her bag into a chair, and flung herself onto the bed. Celeste did the same, flopping next to her.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Celeste. This wouldn’t be any fun without you.”

“I’m glad I’m here too.” She laughed. “Oh, but that Bishop. How I would love to knock the starch out of his boxers.”

Dove snickered. “Good luck with that one. I’m pretty sure his heart is made of stone. How fast do you think we can get this ward done and bail?”

Dove had told Celeste as little as possible about the reason for the warding. Dove being a necromancer, her friend assumed she was having issues with a particularly pesky spirit. When Celeste realized she was getting a free vacation out of the deal, she stopped asking questions.

“Two hours, since you plan to ward the entire room. You sure you want me to leave a doorway? You’ll have to remember to seal it once you’re inside.”

“I’m sure.”

“Look, I know I said I wouldn’t ask any questions, but wouldn’t it just be easier if you blasted this stalker ghost into the ether?”

Dove huffed a sigh. Some days, she’d like to blast the host and keep the spirit. “It’s complicated.”

“Gotcha,” Celeste said, her dubious tone indicating the opposite. “Sooo…” she drawled. “Separate bedrooms.”


“You’re not…”

“Nope.” Not only were they not sharing a bed, she wasn’t even sharing a vein with Steele. Her heart twisted at the reminder. What was his deal with that, anyway? Did he think her so far beneath him as to not even feed from her?

“Ah, so I imagine this is also—”


“I see.”

“Do you?” Dove lurched up on her elbow, gazing at Celeste. “Because I sure don’t. Maybe you could explain it to me. One minute I feel as though we’re connecting, that he’s warming up to me, and the next he’s a popsicle.

“Like he’s two people living in the same hunky body and you just want to break past his gruff exterior to reveal the man underneath.” Celeste sighed, her eyes turning dreamy.

Dove quirked a brow. “Hold on, are we still talking about Marcus?”

“Sure.” She tucked her arms under her head, scowling at the ceiling.