Page 9 of Best Play

Thankfully, he reached the home office door unnoticed by everyone but their cat, Burrito weaving around his ankles. He gave the tabby a quick scratch behind the ears, then keyed in the code on the door lock. He slipped inside and closed the door behind him. Levi sat facing the computer, back straight in the task chair they’d recently purchased. It wasn’t a particularly comfortable chair on purpose. It kept either of them from sitting in front of the computer for too long.

It was also easier to straddle than a chair with arms.

Or to straddle one’s husband in it. Marsh clicked the remote again.

Levi gasped, as needy as Marsh had imagined. And his body—fuck, he was desperate for it already. Eyelids fluttering, Adam’s apple bobbing, bare abs clenching as he pressed his ass more firmly down against the seat. Making his cock strain against the front of his athletic shorts, begging for attention, which Levi answered, sliding a hand down his abs and under the waistband, stroking his length. Marsh bit back a moan, admiring the show Levi was putting on for him. Multitasking too, his right hand clicking the mouse and opening windows across Marsh’s two monitors. Levi glanced over at him, blue eyes dark with lust and straying to his erection. Darker still. “We have to get this case done before the weekend.”

If Marsh could get it done before the next minute, he would. Then he could spend the week doing nothing but fucking his husband between family gatherings. But that was not their reality, this week or any week. He stepped to Levi’s side, close enough to feel the heat of his flushed skin, and jutted his chin at the monitor. “Evidence turn up anything?”

Levi continued to open windows across the screen, each a different crime scene photo from Press’s place. “Notice anything?”

Squinting, Marsh leaned over Levi’s shoulder, trying and failing to see the detail he needed. “Can you zoom in, room by room?”

Levi stretched up and nipped his jaw. “Sorry I made you rush over without your glasses. But you don’t need them for this.” Before Marsh could capture his lips, Levi scooted forward and gestured at the screen with the hand that had just been in his pants, the tips of his fingers wet with precome.

Marsh grabbed his wrist and held it out to the side, preventing the heathen from touching the screen and keeping temptation out of sight. For now. “Two minutes,” Marsh grunted. “Two minutes and I will give you what you want.” Levi’s gaze strayed again to Marsh’s cock, and Marsh contemplated whether to continue this conversation at all. In two minutes, he could have Levi out of the chair, the plug out of his ass, and his cock plunging into the hole Levi had stretched open for him.

“What do you see?” Levi said, voice a breathy stutter. He ached with need too, but he was enjoying the anticipation. Same as Marsh. “Look at it as a whole.”

Releasing his wrist, Marsh straightened, clicked the plug’s vibration up another notch, and forced his gaze to the screen, ignoring the needy keen that slipped past Levi’s lips.

As a whole.

Marsh stopped squinting, and that was when he saw it. “Press’s office is more trashed than the other rooms.”

“Someone was looking for something in there.”

“Not his championship ring either.”

“Good sign for Press.” Levi lifted his ass and shoved down his shorts, cock free to stroke again. “It’s more likely about something and someone else.”

“Any other evidence?” Marsh asked as he fought the urge to fall to his knees and gag on his husband’s cock.

Levi shook his head. “No prints, and nothing else from CSU. Anything off the traffic cams?”

Marsh nudged the chair and Levi over, but before taking control of the keyboard, he dug the bandana out of his pocket and slapped it into Levi’s precome-sticky hand. “Gag yourself. We’ve got a house full of people. Can’t have you going all howly when I stuff you full of my cock.”

Levi shoved the bandana between his lips, stifling his immediate groan, then tied it the rest of the way around his neck while Marsh checked the status on the auto and property searches. “Couldn’t get the VIN off the car, but we did identify it as a late model, gray Camry. Farmer’s pulling all matching registrations in San Diego County. And we’ll have property records by ten.”

He barely had the last word out when Levi tugged the gag back out of his mouth, yanked Marsh’s sweats down, then silenced his needy moans with Marsh’s cock instead, swallowing him to the root. It took everything in Marsh not to come right there on the spot. Between the wet, hot suction of Levi’s mouth and the sight of him in the mirrored closet doors, cheeks flushed and hollowed, bobbing on his cock while he continued to jerk himself off, Marsh was skating the edge.

As if sensing how close he was, Levi pulled off his cock and stared up at him, only a thin ring of blue around his blown, wide pupils. “My ass feels like a live wire. Need you inside me, now.” He shoved the gag back in his mouth and held out an arm for Marsh to haul him up and out of the chair. They switched positions, Marsh claiming the chair and holding Levi’s hips so he could admire the vibrating blue plug nestled in his husband’s ass. Gorgeous, and all for them. He clasped Levi’s cheeks, pulling them apart, then pushing them back together, shifting the plug in the process. “You love this thing, don’t you?”

His husband’s “more” was a muffled, beautiful thing.

Marsh spread his cheeks and leaned closer, swiping a tongue around the toy’s ribbed base and Levi’s rim. The scent, the vibrations, Levi’s gagged moans were driving him wild, making his cock ache to get in there.

Another couple lashes, then Marsh gave them both what they needed. Holding Levi by one hip, he carefully withdrew the plug and checked with one, two, then three fingers that Levi was slick and ready for him. Satisfied, he lowered Levi onto his cock, legs straddling his lap, back to Marsh’s front.

The task chair creaked but held firm. This wasn’t their first rodeo in this position, as evidenced by Levi’s practiced movements, the up and down of his hips, the turn of his head to meet Marsh’s gaze in the mirrored closet doors, the fist he wrapped around his cock.

Marsh covered his hand, working him together, and Levi’s gaze was no more, eyes fluttering closed as he rested his head back on Marsh’s shoulder, as he bit into the gag each time Marsh thrust up, muffling his grunts. Marsh couldn’t tear his eyes from the erotic sight, from the remarkable man in his arms. The one who’d agreed to marry him a year ago and had turned his world upside down. In the best way possible. He’d allowed Marsh to share his home, to get to know his son, and to get to know him, professionally and personally, inside and out. The people and places he loved, the things that made him smile, the touches that made him go wild.

Marsh inched his hand lower and tugged at Levi’s balls. “I am the luckiest man alive,” he whispered in his husband’s ear. “I have the finest piece of ass in all of San Diego sprawled across my lap, riding my cock like he was fucking made for it, and he’s also the best person I’ve ever fucking known.” He splayed his left hand over Levi’s chest, the rays of morning sun catching his wedding band. Catching Levi’s too as he tangled their fingers together. “And I get to marry you again this weekend. And have a proper”—he thrust up—“fucking”—thrust again—“wedding night.”

Levi groaned, strokes coming faster, head thrashing on Marsh’s shoulder, his orgasm barreling down on him.

Marsh tightened his grip on his balls. “I’m gonna make it so good for you, baby.”