Page 8 of Best Play

Levi stifled his laugh, barely, David’s crush on Charlie and Sean’s husband no less diminished. “Maybe we’ll have this case done by then.”

David snickered. “Someone’s optimistic for midnight.” Eyes rolling, he slumped back in the futon. “Just be done by Friday.”

“Anyone ever tell you you’re an awesome kid and wedding planner?”

“Remember that when you get your credit card bill for this week.”

“Also fair,” Levi said with a laugh. “Now, I’m going to bed before we do all the chaos again tomorrow.” He turned for the house door, but David’s softer, more serious “Hey, Dad?” had him turning back around.

“Danger level?” David asked.

It was a system they’d developed after last summer, a way for Levi and Marsh to be as honest as they could be with David about the danger involved with their work, with whatever particular case or cases they were working. And if last summer had been a ten out of ten, then this case... “Three out of ten.”

“Good,” David said. “Get done by Friday.”

“Roger that,” Levi said, echoing Marsh’s sign-off, before he headed inside himself.

He found Marsh at the kitchen island plating leftovers. “Eat,” he said, pushing a plate of grilled chicken kebab and couscous in front of the closest barstool. “We forgot to today.”

Levi claimed the seat, then waited for Marsh to take the one beside him. “We’re off the wedding hook until Wednesday night,” he told Marsh as he pried a morsel of chicken and a charred pepper off the skewer. He popped it into his mouth and hummed appreciatively at the flavorful bite. “We need to bang this out tomorrow if we can. For our sakes and for Press’s. He’s got enough stress as it is, by the sound of it.”

“He’s impressive. Basketball career and law school.” Marsh dredged a piece of chicken through the red pepper spread he’d heaped on his plate. “We’ll go through everything with fresh eyes in the morning.”

They finished their food, Marsh clearing the plates and...

A gentle shake brought Levi back to where he’d fallen asleep cheek down on the bar. “Let’s go, Wolfy,” Marsh said, using the nickname that always made Levi smile, had him burrowing into Marsh’s side as they headed for the stairs. “Sleep now, and I promise to make your morning worth it.”

Levi liked the sound of that. Liked the sound of his quiet house too, knowing it was full of love and family, all thanks to the man beside him. He rose on his toes, brushing his lips over Marsh’s. “You make every day worth it. And I can’t wait to marry you again.”


Levi’s phone alarm was going off, the never-welcome trilling escalating in volume and pitch, soft to loud, over and over again.

Marsh burrowed into his pillow. “Hit the snooze,” he pleaded, needing those extra nine minutes like his life depended on it.

The alarm started another scale.

He rolled from his front onto his side, flinging an arm back the general direction of Levi’s torso. And kept rolling, his body meeting no resistance, free-falling all the way to the sheets.

Cold ones at that. Levi had been AWOL from their bed for a while.

Hand to the mattress, Marsh reached out with the other and snagged Levi’s phone off the nightstand, finally silencing the dreadful noise. He didn’t use to have issues getting out of bed. He was career military and occasionally plagued by the nightmares that came with said career. But more often than not over the past year, he’d slept soundly in his husband’s arms, a place he had zero desire to leave in the mornings. Especially when other desires tended to ride him hard first thing. This morning was no different, his dick already half hard, but without Levi in bed beside him, it appeared he was SOL, same as he’d been the last two nights.

Pouting, he tossed Levi’s phone back on the nightstand, straightened, and listened for his husband’s whereabouts. No other noises coming from inside their primary suite. He listened next for Levi’s voice outside their cracked bedroom door. He didn’t hear it there either among the others drifting up from the downstairs kitchen with what smelled like sausage gravy and fresh-baked biscuits.

A run with Taco? Late for that, though, the summer temps outside already rising, judging by the sun and heat seeping in from around the edges of the bedroom curtains. Maybe in the backyard under the trellis? Marsh swung his legs off the bed, on his way to peek out the window, when his own phone vibrated. He grabbed it off the charger and read the text from his husband.

In the office.

Texting from the computer, then. Marsh started to type a response when bubbles appeared, Levi typing.

A second text appeared. Bring the pink bandana. Bedside drawer.

Marsh’s dick perked back up. Stiffened to fully erect when he opened the drawer and found a certain remote sitting atop the strip of pink fabric. Prepped and ready, his husband was apparently feeling frisky this morning. Marsh had admittedly nursed Levi’s exhibitionist streak—they’d gotten up to all manner of naughty in front of their big bedroom window that overlooked the Los Peñasquitos canyon—but sex with a house full of people and few walls between them would be a challenge.

One Marsh was up for. His cock too, hard and leaking as he gave it a long, slow stroke.

The bandana would help too. Grabbing it and the remote, he clicked the latter once and imagined Levi’s gasp as the vibrations started. Imagined him squirming in his chair, angling the plug’s tip for his prostate, rubbing the toy’s ridges against his rim, seeking more friction while he waited for Marsh. Who kept him waiting a little longer, brushing his teeth and throwing on sweats and a tee in case anyone from the floor below noticed him crossing the catwalk between the primary suite and the rest of the upstairs rooms.