The heat in his gaze was unmistakable. Ellie held her breath, unsure what was happening. She felt a deep connection to this man and wanted… Hell, she didn’t know what she wanted and just stared at him, at a loss for how to deal with the yearning in her heart.
He cleared his throat. “That should help ease the pain and take some of the heat out of it.”
"Thanks." Her skin prickled where he'd touched it, almost like he'd scorched it with his fingers.
A heavy pause stretched between them, the air electric.
"Ellie, I—" he didn't finish. Shaking his head, he made to move away.
She grabbed his arm. "Don't go just yet."
He hesitated but stayed where he was, with her hand wrapped around his forearm. She felt the muscle flex beneath his skin. Her heart pounded, threatened to jump right out of her chest, but she couldn't move. Not with his gaze, dark and questioning, locked on hers.
"Hold me," she whispered. She couldn't explain it, maybe it was the sheer exhaustion, or the realization that she’d nearly lost him today, but she needed to feel his arms around her, needed to know he was still there. "Please?"
Just for a moment, then they could go back to reality, to the explosion and the bad guys with guns chasing them.
Phoenix must have understood, because he nodded and enveloped her in his embrace, crushing her to him as if he'd never let her go. Closing her eyes, she absorbed his strength, his solidness, his body heat, letting all of it seep into her very bones. For the first time since she'd left the oil rig that morning, she felt truly safe. Wrapped in his arms was the only place she wanted to be. If only the world would disappear and leave them like this, cocooned in each other, forever.
"It's okay," he murmured against her ear, his voice husky and deep. "I've got you."
Tears welled, the sting of salt behind her lids, but she blinked them away. Now wasn't the time to give in to the emotion of the last few days, but damn, how she wanted to. If she'd been alone, she would have sobbed her heart out, but right now, she drew on his calm confidence and took some steadying breaths. She opened her eyes, met his gaze, and hoped he didn't see her longing.
"It's going to be okay. You know that, right?" He held her at arm's length. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."
His words slayed her, piercing straight through to her battered heart. No one had ever said that to her before, let alone with such conviction, such unflinching certainty.
She believed him. She'd seen the rage in his eyes when she'd told him about Henderson. He would kill for her, she knew that. But she didn't know how to process it.
"I know," she whispered.
Slowly, he leaned in, his eyes dropping to her parted lips. Her breath hitched, her heart raced, as he drew closer, the heat of him searing her skin. She could feel his breath on her face, ragged and uneven.
She longed to kiss him, to be consumed by him, to have him chase away the ugliness, fear, and anxiety with the sheer force of his passion. Only he could do that for her. Only he could make her feel whole again.
She strained forward, her lips opening. His arms were still around her, holding her close against his broad chest. His heart beat fast and steady, in time with hers. But then he froze, his body going rigid.
Her eyes flew open, confused. What she saw in him made her catch her breath. Concern, mixed with something else, something she couldn't put her finger on. Was it fear? No. That wasn't it. Anger, maybe? Was he angry with her for reaching out, for needing him?
She swallowed and blinked as he pulled away, the loss of his touch a physical ache. The air began circulating between their bodies, cool and unwelcome.
With a flash of regret, he released her. "We should get going. It's getting dark."
The sun had set. She hadn't noticed.
Phoenix rose in one fluid motion, while she pushed herself to her hands and knees, unsure whether her legs would support her weight. They did, barely. He handed her shoes, his fingers brushing hers with a jolt of electricity. "You'd better put these on."
Wordlessly, she took them from him and slipped her feet into them. He did the same. Her head was swirling with need, embarrassment, regret.
She nodded, aware he wasn't looking at her. His gaze was fixed on the line of trees up ahead, and the dark jungle beyond.
"Then let's go."