Page 17 of Honor Code

"We've met." Boomer winked at her. Under the bright fluorescent lights in the cafeteria, she saw he had the same self-confident machismo that seemed to be a prerequisite for military types. Big and brawny. His nose had been broken, likely several times and he had friendly, drooping eyes. Definite sex appeal.

"How are you guys?" She smoothed a hand over her hair, conscious that it must look like a bird’s nest thanks to the gale force winds up on deck.

"Great," Boomer replied.

Phoenix merely grunted, clearly not in a good mood. Well, that made two of them.

"I’m always one step behind," Suzi groaned, glancing between the two of them.

"We met on deck this morning," Ellie said quickly. “Just as the storm was coming in.”

“Yoga?” Suzi asked.

Ellie nodded. Not that she’d managed to do any, but Suzi seemed satisfied.

"How'd it go today?" Phoenix asked, surprising her with the question. “Did they finish drilling?”

“Yeah, they did.” She was impressed he’d remembered. “Just in the nick of time. When the storm is over, we can collect the fourth set of samples.”

“Hopefully with better results.”

She pursed her lips. He had been listening.

“It’s getting pretty hairy out there,” Suzi said as the rain hurled itself against the Perspex, making it rattle.

“I know, I’ve just spoken to Billy.”

“You shouldn’t be topside,” barked Phoenix, his forehead furrowed. “It’s not safe.”

Ellie was surprised by his terse tone.

“We’ve issued a warning for everyone to stay below deck until the worst is over,” Boomer explained. As security operatives, they advised Henderson on safety procedures.

She nodded. “I won’t go back up until the storm’s over.”

"I contacted the company that drew up the survey reports." Suzi said, changing the subject. "They're called Geo Services Limited, and they're based out of Houston."

Ellie shook her head, puzzled. "I've never heard of them."

"Me neither, but they’re a reputable organization and do a lot of work in the Gulf of Mexico."

"Do you have a contact?" She studiously avoiding Phoenix’s gaze. "Have you spoken to them?"

"Not yet. As soon as I do, I'll let you know."

"Are you eating?" Boomer asked. "The food is pretty good. Minnie is a local Texan chef, and she’s in charge of lunch service today."

Ellie wasn’t hungry, but she knew Boomer was right. She had to keep her energy levels up or she’d feel even worse. She got herself a tray and was served a big plate of chili con carne by a sexy blonde with huge eyes and a wide smile. Her name tag said Minnie.

Ellie didn’t miss the lingering glance the chef cast in Phoenix’s direction. Returning to the table, she ignored the odd tightening in her chest. Seemed she wasn’t the only one who found the hulking operative attractive.

She sighed and sat down. Why did she even care? A man like Phoenix could have his pick of women. He was so not her type, so why had she nearly kissed him?

After their almost-kiss, she’d returned to her room, showered, then gotten ready for work. His sweatshirt still lay on her bed, untouched, like she was too scared to pick it up. Afraid it still had some sort of magic hold over her.

It was ridiculous, she knew that. Yet, being surrounded by his heat, his smell… it had affected her in a way she’d never imagined.

“How long is the storm supposed to last?” Suzi asked.