She stared at the good-looking man, in identical black clothing, a similar gun, but where Phoenix had longer, wayward hair, this guy had a short, military-style brush cut. This must be the guy Suzi was into.
“Was wondering where you'd gotten to, buddy.” Boomer’s his lips curled up in a grin.
“I’m right here.” Phoenix shot him a withering glare.
Boomer laughed, a deep rumbling sound. Ellie could see why Suzi liked him. He had a kind, craggy face, with deep set eyes and a wide, warm smile. His arms were also thick and muscly, like Phoenix’s, and his shoulders were almost as broad.
“You must be Suzi’s roommate,” Boomer said, extending a hand. “She’s told me about you.”
Ellie forced a smile, her legs still a little unsteady. “Likewise. Good to meet you, Boomer.”
“Glad to see you’re being looked after.” He nodded to the black sweatshirt she was wearing.
Immediately, she flushed. “Yes, I stupidly underestimated how cold it was up here.”
“Storm’s coming.” He echoed Phoenix’s warning.
“Yes, and you know what, I’d better head back down.” Her time was up, and she had to get ready for work, and then go and speak to Billy.
“Thanks for the shirt,” she added.
Phoenix nodded. “No worries.”
Another gust made her take a hurried step forward. It was getting windy up here. She wasn’t sure it was safe to keep drilling, even for half a day, let alone eight hours.
“Nice to meet you, Ellie,” Boomer called as he strolled off to check on a rattling chain.
“I, um… I’d better go,” she said to Phoenix.
He nodded, not quite meeting her eye. “Yeah, see you later.”
She picked up her mat then hurried back toward the staircase. Before she descended, she glanced back. Phoenix stood staring after her, and his intense expression made her catch her breath. Then, before she could decide what to do about it, he turned his back and walked away.
Ellie had just entered the cafeteria in search of supper, after getting an update from the site supervisor, when she heard her name called.
"Ellie, over here!"
Looking up, her stomach tightened. Suzi was sitting with both Phoenix and Boomer, the guy who had interrupted their almost-kiss—or whatever that was—earlier that morning. Thankfully, the rush to finish drilling before the storm hit had occupied her thoughts all day, so she hadn’t had time to analyze it.
A moment of madness, that’s all it was. The dark… the cold… his sweatshirt. Nothing more.
Then she remembered the heat in his gaze as he’d pulled her toward him, and the deafening hammering of her heart as she’d moved into his arms—kinda like what it was doing now.
It had felt so easy, so natural—almost like she’d been on autopilot.
Then came that haunted expression, almost like he’d been in pain.
But why? She’d felt the tension in his arms as he’d put his hands around her waist and pulled her close. Heard the desperation in his tone when he’d groaned her name.
She had not imagined that. He’d been as attracted to her as she was to him, she was sure of it.
Now, here he was, lounging in his plastic molded chair, all brooding charm—jaw locked, shoulders stiff, and eyes narrowed into blue slits as he looked at her. She glanced around for an escape, but there was nowhere to go. Suzi was beckoning, and both men were watching her. To leave now would make the situation even worse.
So she took a deep breath and walked across the room, cheeks blazing. Upon reaching them, she forced a smile. "Hey."
"Look who I found lurking around the cafeteria." Suzi beamed at the two muscular men at her table. She looked extremely proud of herself. "Ellie, this is Boomer."