My dick slid into her heat and I groaned in relief. The hot burning pressure in my groin had been building since seeing her on the television and watching her in the studio was torture. Every negative thought was gone. Every bit of anger and malice was neutralized by the warmth of her body wrapped around mine for the first time in so long. Charlie was perfect in every way, and I had forgotten that. In my haste, in my rage, in all the drunken rants I had spewed endlessly at anyone who would listen to my broken heart bleeding.
“Baby, I can’t live without you.” My gentle thrusts drew moans of pleasure from her lips. She gripped my biceps and whimpered my name over and over. In fact, it was all she said, but it was enough. It was music to my ears just to hear her voice.
And I took it slow, careful to heed my doctor’s warning. My heart rate was already elevated because of the stress of withdrawal and traveling. Seeing her had been a stressor I hadn’t expected. I didn’t want to stroke out in the middle of sex—though I’d have died a happy man. I wanted to enjoy this now, and for a long time to come as well.
“Lex…oh God, Lex…” Charlie cried as she lifted a leg and wrapped it around my waist.
The simple motion had my cock buried deep inside her to the hilt, and I shuddered. It felt so good. Good enough that I considered never moving again. In this moment, we were all that mattered. Just us, our love, and the carnal knowledge of our bodies. Forget about the world outside and the people who’d be shocked to learn we were here doing this again, after what we’d been through.
“I missed you so much,” I growled low in her ear as I picked up the pace. My control was slipping—a feat unheard of for me. But she always did have a way of undoing me with just a look, let alone her legs wrapped around me like this.
“Faster.” She begged, and I obliged.
I slammed into her with a force that had the vanity rattling against the wall. A part of me hoped the entire studio would hear us, would know that I was here reclaiming what was mine. This woman was mine and mine alone.
The tempo increased with each low, guttural moan that fell from her lips. Her hands slid under my shirt and her nails dug into my back as she howled my name like a prayer. It messed with my head, pushing buttons and building the pressure in my cock. I slowed my pace to keep myself in check and she whimpered when I bit her neck.
“Please,” she whined but I had to pull back. She was too intoxicating, pushing me to the limit too quickly.
“I need a second,” I told her, but I hated leaving her hanging. I slid out of her and my dick sprang back, but I never gave her a second to respond to the lack of penetration. My hand slid between her thighs and I forced two fingers into her, curling upward to find her sensitive rough patch. “I miss this so much,” I said as I dropped to my knees.
Charlie lifted her leg over my shoulder as I buried my face in her core. The dripping moisture coated my cheeks and stubbled jawline as I drank her up like a glass of lemonade on a hot day.
I couldn’t get enough. She was slippery and sweet, and the taste of her arousal only spurred me on harder. I lapped at her, sucking and licking until she was moaning louder than before.
“Christ, Lex!”
With a final lap of my tongue against her clit, she went over the edge. Charlie’s body tensed and she gripped the counter behind her for dear life as her walls clenched around my fingers. She was so tight, so good against my tongue and I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to spend all night here worshiping her, remembering her. My dick throbbed in agreement but I refused to give in yet. I worked her pussy to a frenzy of spasms and convulsions until she was pulling my hair so hard I had to concentrate so I didn’t accidentally bite her.
Finally, her grip loosened and her body slumped against the mirror. “Oh my God,” she panted.
“I…” she tried to speak but I silenced her with a kiss. Pressing my hard cock back into her, I whispered against her lips.
“I’m not done with you yet, baby.”
I entered her in one hard thrust, pushing her back onto the counter with a grunt of pure ecstasy.
Her hands found my belt loops and she secured her grip as I lifted her up onto the counter. “Oh God, Lex, this feels so…”
“Good?” I prompted, sliding in and out of her wet channel. She was a tight fit but like riding a bike, my body remembered every dip and valley of hers as if it had been yesterday. “Me too, baby.”
“Mmm…” she moaned. Her eyes were closed, head tilted back as I found her breast with my free hand, squeezing her globe firmly. My other hand cradled her backside as I thrust into her harder. It had been so long since I’d felt this good, since I’d felt anything at all. And all it took was a few minutes with her to make me human again.
As I neared the edge myself, I grunted and looked down at her. Her glazed-over eyes were locked on mine, her lips swollen from my kisses, and I knew. I knew in that moment that she was the one I’d die loving. Charlie was my forever. Even if she didn’t feel the same, even if she couldn’t see what I could so clearly now, this woman would be mine till death do us part. I would never—could never love another.
“Lex, condom,” she murmured but I had none. I had no reason to have one. I never had any intention of meeting someone on this trip, or ever again as far as I was concerned.
“I love you, Charlie.” That was my only warning. The one thing I’d been too afraid to say but now I was so close to orgasm that the words tumbled out easily. And it took all my strength to control myself when she came undone around me again. Charlie’s walls clamped around me, milking me for every last drop, and I pulled her tighter against me as we both lost ourselves in the moment. For several minutes, we were just two people lost in a sea of passion and lust. Two people who’d found their way back to each other after years apart.
When I couldn’t take it anymore and orgasm was imminent, I pulled out, covering the head of my dick with my hand. The sticky mess warmed my palm and dripped onto the carpet, and she grabbed a towel from the counter beside her for me to use. My dick continued to pulse for a few seconds, making me feel giddy and warm. I was a bit lightheaded and realized maybe I’d overdone it a bit, but for Charlie, it was worth it.
Neither of us spoke while I cleaned myself up and put myself back into my pants, which were also slightly damp in the front. Charlie pulled up her panties, which had dangled around one ankle for the duration of our sex. That was the best sex of my life, or maybe it wasn’t but I didn’t really remember what great sex felt like anymore.
“Lex, we need to talk,” Charlie said, but her voice didn’t sound like she was happy or pleased. She sounded anxious and afraid as she shimmied her skirt back down over her hips and thighs and smoothed it out. One shoe lay haphazardly sprawled near my feet and one still clung to her foot.
“Yeah, we have a lot to work out,” I said, but as I did, my eyes began to sweep around her dressing room. I worked to tuck my polo into my slacks, but something caught my eye.
“There’s something I really need to tell you…”