I was going to be spending a lot of time with Dr. Lowe.
Emma was a treat to my eyes. I adored everything about her since the moment I transferred here. All I needed was the perfect excuse to talk to her. I had finally found that.
I went over the details of the calculus conference I was set to attend, outlining the things I would need her help with. In her office, I couldn't stop admiring the way her tiny nose scrunched as she took notes, or the floral scent wafting from her with every turn of her head towards me. The way her clothing emphasized her small feminine frame made me crazy.
The moment we touched was brief, her frail hand lingering in mine. I was determined to steal more touches. I was determined to have her.
I left Emma’s office and headed towards my own. On the floor just above, I made my way down the hall finally reaching my space. Taking a seat behind the neat desk, I started grading the first assignments of the summer semester. Numbers riddled the pages, rates of change, and calculations of derivatives stared back at me.
Letting out an audible sigh, I allowed myself to daydream for a moment. Emma and I were going to be spending ample time together. She wasn't like the other women in the department or even the students. Her subtle blushes and body language told me that she wanted me, but she didn't throw herself at me. She was probably sitting at her desk below me typing away on her laptop, working herself to exhaustion like she normally did.
I couldn't wait to have her below me.
The thought sent a twinge of arousal to my cock.
I had been watching Emma since I first laid eyes on her, learning her schedule, and her likes and dislikes. She was a lonely woman for being in her early twenties. She went to her tiny flat each night after bussing home, she had no pets, only one friend, Anna, and no boyfriend.
Not that that would’ve stopped me.
Most nights I followed her, convincing myself that it was only to see her home safe. I knew that wasn't the case. She had become my obsession. I craved her presence, spending more nights than I could count sleeping in my car right outside of her flat. She was so beautiful and blissfully unaware of her surroundings.
My favorite thing about a woman.
I focused my thoughts on the assignments in front of me, completing the stack in a blur. The sun dipped in the sky as I worked, the building quieted letting me know I was alone for the evening.
“I suppose it’s time to go,” I mumbled out loud, gathering my things in my briefcase. I made my way to the elevator. Getting in, I busied myself on my phone as it stopped.
The doors opened with a whoosh. I stepped out hastily, still distracted with my phone when I felt my body collide with another.
“Oh God, I am so sorry Dr. Lowe,” came Emma’s angelic voice in a flustered breath. Her things were scattered around as she frantically knelt to gather them. Her scent intoxicated me.
“No, I should be apologizing,” I knelt with her, meeting her eyes, picking up her things and handing them to her, “I was distracted by my phone.”
Her face reddened and her hazel eyes pierced into mine. She smiled a perfectly imperfect lopsided smile and giggled, “Well,” she stuttered as we both stood to our full heights, “I’m still sorry. I wasn't paying attention either.”
I motioned for her to step back in the elevator, “Shall we?” I asked as she nodded. I hit the floor to the ground level and snuck glances at her as we made our way down in the silence.
The summer evening was setting in, the sky turning purple with the threat of night. She was here later than usual as a staff member.
“Do you always work this late?”
She jumped, startled by my words, “Only on Mondays and Wednesdays. Public transportation has no earlier times.” she replied meekly.
I knew she took the bus and stayed late every Monday and Wednesday. Which meant I also stayed this late those days.
“I remember those days,” I laughed as we were let off in the lobby. We both made our way out the doors into the sticky summer air. The city buzzed quietly as the night dwindled. “I know this might be strange,” I rubbed a hand on the back of my neck easing the throbbing that shot up and down my spine, “Would you like a ride home?”
She looked taken aback at my question. She sucked her pink lower lip in between her teeth, and fuck if I didn’t want to run my tongue along it.
“I don’t want to put you out of your way, it's a quick bus ride,” she answered. Her eyes gazed up at mine and I watched her pupils dilate.
“It really wouldn’t be out of the way,” I glanced down the street and could see the bus in the distance, “Which side do you stay on?”
I already knew.