Page 43 of Someone You Love

Bryce nudges him with his shoulder. “That’s enough.”

The man with the braids rolls his eyes. “I don’t know how this guy fits his head inside that tiny Porsche of his. It’s nice to meet you, Charly. I’m Watson. Don’t let this guy fool you: I’m the star of the team.”

“What position do you play?”

He licks his teeth, and lets his gaze travel down my body. “Any position you want me in, baby girl.”

Bryce’s face turns red, and I tilt my head back and laugh. “Guess I walked right into that one.”

“Why are you here?” Bryce asks.

“To visit you.” Anthony massages the back of Bryce’s neck. “You could act like you’re happy to see us.”

“I am happy.”

Bentley loops his thumbs through his belt loops. “Charly, have you ever seen this guy smile?”

I nod. “I have. Heard his laugh a couple times too.”

“Of course he’s smiling.” Anthony drapes his arm around my shoulders. “Any man would be a fool to not smile around a pretty woman like you.”

I shake my head. “I’m sure you’ve got plenty of pretty women smiling for you.”

“Always room for one more.”

“I’m surprised there’s room for anything with your ego,” I say.

The trio bursts out with laughter, and so does Bryce. My skin warms at the raspy sound he so rarely lets out.

Watson jerks his thumb over his shoulder. “Is Nana inside? Let’s go say hello.”

Bentley shoves him. “You just want her to feed you.”

“Go in. She’s there. I’ll meet you in a few.” Bryce hangs back while his friends head inside.

“Well, this is a nice surprise,” I say.

Bryce shoves his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry about all that. They’re good guys, but they can be crass.”

“Please.” I roll my eyes. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to see them, but ...”

“It just brings up the past.”

He nods. “Yeah. They’re still together, doing what they love, and I’m ... not.”

I smooth my hand down his forearm. “Don’t worry. I’ll be here as a buffer.”

“Anthony is smitten with you.”

“I’m sure it doesn’t take much more than a pulse for him to be smitten.”

He chuckles. “You’re not wrong.”

“The flashy pretty boy isn’t really my type anyway.”

Bryce arches an eyebrow. “And what is your type?”