Page 42 of Someone You Love

“And don’t forget the grapes.”

“I brought you iced tea. That has to count for something.”

“Thank you.” I slide my sunglasses to the top of my head. “How’s it going up there? I haven’t seen much of you since we went canoeing last week.”

What I really want to say is, It feels like you’re avoiding me.

He glances at the patched-up hole in the side of the inn. “It’s coming along. Your room should be ready within the next week.”

Disappointment creeps into my gut.

Bryce frowns. “I’m sorry that it wasn’t ready in time for your arrival.”

“No, no. That’s not it.” I lift the glass to my lips, letting the cool tea slide down my throat. “To be honest, I was secretly happy when I found out something had happened to my room. I wasn’t looking forward to sleeping in there with two beds.”

“Ah.” He lowers himself onto the foot of my chair, and pats Edward’s wiggling butt. “It’s another reminder your mother isn’t here with you.”

I nod.

“It gets easier.” His knee bounces as he stares down at the concrete. “I remember how difficult it was in the beginning. It’s like a bad dream that you never wake up from. But eventually, you get used to them not being there, and it becomes your new norm. But you’ll always miss them.”

I reach forward, and cover his hand with mine. “You’ve been through so much, Bryce. I admire your strength.”

“You’re strong too.” He lifts his eyes to mine, two black coals peering at me through his messy strands. “Charly, I—”

Edward barks as a booming voice shouts from the backyard entrance. “There he is, boys. Bryce motherfucking Holden.”

Three tall, muscular men strut across the backyard. My eyes bounce from one to the next, in awe of their sheer size. Diamonds sparkle around their necks and wrists, and their hair is styled to perfection.

Bryce smiles wide as he stands. “What the hell are you guys doing here?”

The leanest one of the trio claps Bryce on the back first. “Haven’t heard from you in a while, man. Wanted to pop over and see how you’re doing.”

“Looks like he’s doing just fine to me.” A man wearing a cowboy hat and boots slides his sunglasses down his nose, and winks at me. “Hey there, darlin’.”

My cheeks burn, and I wrap the towel around my body. “Hi.”

“You’re creeping her out, dude.” The third man shakes his head, and his braids fall into his eyes. “Don’t mind him, sweetheart. He doesn’t get out much.”

The cowboy slaps the back of his head. “Why do you always have to make me look bad in front of the ladies?”

“Don’t touch the hair, bro.”

Bryce pinches the bridge of his nose. “Charly, these buffoons are my friends.”

I hoist myself out of the lounge chair, and hold out my hand as I introduce myself. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The lean one clasps my hand first, and flashes a megawatt-smile complete with dimples in each cheek. His blue eyes shine against his olive complexion and coffee-colored hair. “The pleasure is mine. I’m Anthony.”

“Anthony is our quarterback.” Bryce clears his throat. “Uh, the quarterback for the Patriots.”

Anthony still hasn’t let go of my hand. “Do you watch football, Charly?”

“What he really wants to know is if you’ve seen him play football.” The cowboy leans in, and takes my hand. “I’m Bentley.”

I smile. “I don’t mind football. And no, I haven’t seen you play.”

“What a shame.” Anthony winks. “I’m quite good.”