Tristan met the Senator and shook his hand. “Yes, we did. Thank you for coming.”

Angela counted to ten in her head, inhaled and exhaled slowly, and then gave Kenneth a large politician smile. She walked over to him with her hand outstretched. “Yes, Kenneth, thank you. We have a lot to talk about before the press conference.”

“Yes, we do. Let me start by asking you to call me Ken or Kenny. Kenneth is my father.”

Angela smiled and nodded once. “Of course.” She held out her hand, and Victoria came over with a notebook.

Victoria had proved just as good as Penny, but Angela missed Penny. Penny seemed to read her mind, knowing what she needed before she did. Maybe Victoria would develop that skill after they’d been together longer.

Angela handed Ken the notebook. “I know Tristan summarized the bill when you talked, but this is the bill and all the research to justify it.”

Ken tucked the notebook under his arm. “I never thought I’d see the day supernaturals would receive citizenship.”

“It’s a big day for sure. I know the proud people of California will be happy they elected you.”

“Yes, Ma’am. I plan on presenting this during tomorrow’s session. Have you done much exploring to see who will be in favor of this? I mean, what are the chances this will pass?”

“Oh, I’m sure it won’t pass the first time, at least not as it’s written today. This is just the first step. It’s such an unknown thing that there will need to be a lot of debate and education.”

“I understand,” Ken said.

“Ken, I want to make sure you completely understand what this means. It could be political suicide.”

“Oh, I’m well aware, but it’s the right thing.”

“Are you ready to expose your supernatural abilities?” Angela moved to sit behind her desk and pointed to an empty chair, indicating Ken should sit.

“I am. I’m not sure how my constituents will take me as a lion, but at least it will be in the open.”

“And if they don’t accept you?” Tristan walked over to the side table and poured a glass of water. “Water?” he asked Ken.

“Yes, thank you,” Ken said. He waited until Tristan handed him the glass of water before he answered. “If they don’t accept me, then they don’t accept me.”

Angela smiled at the man. “You’re either very stupid or very brave.”

Ken chuckled. “With all due respect, Madam President, you’re the brave one. I’m not sure anyone who sat in that chair before you would have had the guts to do what you’re doing. Regarding being stupid or brave, I’ve found that sometimes those two ideas are the same.”

Angela stepped her fingers under her chin. “You aren’t wrong.”

Victoria stepped close to Angela. “Excuse me, Madam President, but your next appointment is due at any moment.”

Ken stood from his chair.

Angela waved him down. “You should stay. It’ll be good for you to be in this next meeting.”

Tristan opened the door, stepped out, and returned, followed by a Marine in dress uniform.

Angela stood, and the man stopped, straightened, and saluted her. Angela saluted him: “Sergeant Major Ronald Connor, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person.

Ronald put his hat under his arm. “Yes, Ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m very honored.”

“I still remember the first time I saw your picture. That was the day that changed everything.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Angela nodded to Tristan. He picked up a box from the coffee table and handed it to Ronald. “This watch will allow you to shift back to your human form with everything on your body before you shift. We’re about to shock the American people more than anyone has without adding nudity to it.

Ronald took the box, handed his hat to Tristan, and put on the watch. “I heard about these but didn’t believe they existed.