“Did my assistant explain the sequence of events?”

Ronald nodded to Virginia. “She told me that I was to walk up with you. You would introduce me, I would shift, and then shift back.”

“That’s about it. The mother in me needs to know that you will be okay after you do this. Are you prepared for the consequences?”

He took his hat back from Tristan. “Yes, Ma’am. I’ve served this country in every other capacity, and it will be my honor to serve in this capacity.”

“Well, okay. It looks like everything is set. We just need to do this.”

Angela met Blake’s eyes. If she ever needed encouragement, it was this moment. She had spent two hours the night before explaining this to her parents. They handled it better than she thought they would. Her mother reminded her about her grandmother. That helped a lot, but they weren't as understanding when she told them about Blake. They were very concerned about her safety. She kept telling them she was safer with Blake than she was every time she went to a public speaking event. In the end, they agreed to think about it and not pass judgment until they learned more about supernaturals and met Blake.

Benji was excited about being able to tell people he knew a dragon and all the exciting creatures he saw when he was rescued. He told Angela he would make sure to tell Grandma and Grandpa all the good things about Blake. It was at that minute when she realized he was indeed becoming a young adult, and Oliver would be so proud of him if he were still alive. It almost made her cry.

Blake flashed her one of his brilliant smiles. “You’ve got this. It’s a good thing, and we’re all behind you.” He stepped over and embraced her.

Knock, knock.

“Come on in,” Angela said to the closed door.

Penny walked into the office, walked over to her, and handed her a piece of cream-color paper. “Excuse me, Madam President, but the Vice-President just gave me this and I’m not sure what to make of it.”

I resign.

That’s all Mariah typed; there was no explanation or personal narrative, just two words. It was dated to the next day. Angela handed it to Blake. “Well, it’s short and to the point, I guess.”

“How are you going to handle this?”

“Well, for the moment, I’m going to ignore it. It’s just too much right now.” She told Penny, “I need you to look into the process of handling the resignation and replacement for a vice president.”

Penny’s eyes went wide, and she swallowed hard. “Um, uh, okay. Yes, Madam President.”

Victoria said, “It’s time to go, Madam President. The press secretary is ready to introduce you.”

Angela’s chest tightened, and a bead of sweat trickled down her back.

Blake squeezed her hand and leaned down to her ear. “I believe in you, Angela. I always have.”

She stepped back and smiled.

He pointed down to her neck. “Besides, you’re wearing your power pearls. A woman in pearls is a warrior in disguise.”

Everyone stood when she walked inside the press room.

She stood behind the podium and told everyone to sit. “I want to thank everyone for attending this special press conference.” She studied the audience and almost changed her mind. Every chair was full, and reporters lined the back and side walls two deep.

Her eyes focused on Blake. He smiled and slowly nodded his head. She faced the reporters and started.

“Over the last several months, there have been a lot of rumors about me and my personal life. I’m here to put all that to rest.” She held out her hand to Blake. Everyone in the room turned to him, but he ignored all of them and smiled at Angela, giving her the strength to keep going. “I’d like to introduce all of you to Mr. Sullivan, my fiancé.”

The reporters turned their heads so fast that Angela heard several neck joints crack.

“As you know, my husband, Oliver, died a while ago. I did not set out to replace him or fall in love again. I didn’t think it was possible. But Mr. Sullivan showed me it was.”

Almost all of the reporters held up their hands.

Angela continued. “Please hold your questions until the end because I’m sure there will be a lot today. Rest assured. I will try to answer all of them.” She took a drink of water. “As I was saying, Oliver and I had a special connection, and I never thought I’d find that with anyone else. Mr. Sullivan and I do not have the same or even a better connection. It is different. I had the privilege of spending many years with an incredible man, the love of my life. But as many of you know, sometimes a lifetime isn’t even enough. Now, I have been blessed with another opportunity. We have not set a date, and we are in no hurry. Woodrow Wilson was the last president to marry while in office. This will surely be new territory, and I hope all of you will wish us many happy years.”

She held out her hand to the side, and Ronald stepped closer.