“I am hoping to get the supernatural vote. But I would do this regardless. It’s the right thing to do. They are just as much a part of this country as you and I, and they deserve to be seen as such.”

“I’m anxious it’s not going to turn out the way you hope it will,” Mariah said.

“It might not, but I know what needs to be done.”

Mariah and Robert exchanged a knowing glance. The tension in the room doubled.

Angela turned her head between them. “What? What’s going on?”

Mariah stood, walked to the desk, and leaned on the front of it. “I’m not sure how to tell you this.”

Angela’s stomach squeezed, and her heartbeat increased. “What don’t you know how to tell me?”

Mariah twisted her mouth as if thinking.

“Mariah, you can tell me anything. You know that.”

Mariah gave her a small, closed-mouth smile. “I’m not sure you’ll want to hear this.” She inhaled, held her breath briefly, and released it slowly. “The Democratic Committee has approached me. They want me to run against you.”

Angela’s breath caught in her throat. “Excuse me?” She got off the couch and stood in front of Mariah. “That’s ludicrous. I’m sure you told them that.”

Mariah would not look Angela in the eyes.

“You told them that was ludicrous, didn’t you? There’s never been a real challenger for a president who wanted to run again.”

Mariah pushed off the desk. “You have to understand, Angela. Your public approval rating is so low you may never recover. No one is expecting you to win.”

“Even you?” Angela crossed her arms over her chest.

“You have to understand. I want to support you, but I must consider my career. If you lose this election, it will make it much harder for me to run the next time. I will always be saddled with your legacy.”

Angela threw her hands up in the air and scoffed. “Well, you had no trouble being saddled with my legacy when it landed you a job in the White House.”

Mariah reached for Angela’s arm, but Angela twisted out of the way. “I admire your dedication to what you believe is the right thing. But Angela, this isn’t the right thing.”

Angela held up a finger before Mariah could continue. “That’s Madam President to you.”

Mariah gave Robert a pleading look. “I told you she wouldn’t understand.”

“Understand? What am I supposed to understand? We were a team, and now, what?”

Robert held out his hand for Mariah. She joined him, and they walked to the door. “I didn’t have to tell you like this. I could have just waited for you to find out like everyone else will.”

Angela turned her back, but over her shoulder, she said, “When are you announcing your candidacy?”

Mariah stopped and faced Angela. “Tomorrow. I figured I owed you that courtesy.”

Angela spun around. “I expect your resignation on my desk before you make that announcement.”

“Excuse me? You can’t just expect me to resign. There’s no protocol for that.”

“Well, then I’ll come up with some.”

Mariah clicked her tongue, turned her back on Angela, and walked out the door.

Blake walked up behind Angela and put his hands on her shoulders. She twisted and stepped away.

“Madam President,” a voice came from the door, “is now a good time? We had an appointment.” Senator Kenneth McCann stepped through the door as Mariah and Robert left.