“Fine, but if you don't, I’ll kick you so hard in the balls you won't be able to walk for a week.” Theo pales a little and nods. His arms are already loosening as I drag the knife away from his neck.
Someone comes out of the bank and eyes us warily, making me tilt my head in confusion. “Can people see us?” I ask, wanting to know what the hell is going on. I know people can't see the Demons, but that young mother acted as if she couldn't see Theo or Jordan while they fought. Still, the unmistakable curiosity in the man's eyes as he slowly turns and walks away tells me he can definitely see us.
“Uh, no? The pendant keeps civilians from—Dammit!” The boy uses one hand to reach up and touch his neck, then spins in a circle, looking at the ground by his feet. He curses again as his hand shoots out and grabs my wrist, tugging me along with him, and runs back to where the injured guy is now moaning, his fingers twitching at his side as his eyes flutter. “Shit, it must have fallen off when I was killing the Demon,” he says out loud, like that was enough to explain why he was invisible to people before and not now.
“Let go of me,” I grind out, wiggling my wrist loose and glaring at Theo. “You are super handsy, and I have no idea who you are. Touch me again, and you won't like the consequences.”
“Shit, sorry! Help me find the black pendant, would ya? It has two swirls and comes together in another one,” he tries to explain, waving his hands in the air in a demonstration. I nod, looking to the ground, as Theo rushes around the Demon in a panic.
“Cap is going to kick my ass if I lose that!” he whispers, more to himself than me.
“Why?” I ask, walking over to where Jordan is and looking around him. He's still moaning a little, and I bet he will wake up soon.
“I got it on loan from him. Jord and I are technically Rangers until we complete the Umbra training at the Castle.” I frown and look up at Theo as he runs both hands through his hair, pulling at the ends as his eyes dart around the road.
“Castle… You have a Castle? Who the hell are you?” I can't help but ask. “And what the hell is an Umbreak?”
“Umbra,” Theo corrects, finally looking up and staring at me in confusion. “What's your bloodline? I want to say Axford or Regalis from your features, but I've never been good at guessing family origins. I’m from the Drakos line myself.”
“Like my surname or what?” I ask in confusion. Theo shakes his head, resting his hands on his slim hips.
“No, your bloodline. The one the Umbra sight follows in your family.”
“That doesn't help answer my questions. Still don't know what an Umbra is,” I practically growl out, throwing up my hands in frustration.
Theo tilts his head to the side… and looks me up and down again. “Wait… are you… like an actual civilian?” he asks, holding a hand up in the air in front of him like he needs me to stop talking to process whatever he’s piecing together.
“I’m a resident of McCall, if that's what you're asking, and I’m not in the army, so yes? Is that what you guys are? Is there a secret Demon killing sector in the Army?”
“Oh shit. I’m a dead man,” Theo whispers, his brown eyes shadowing as he glances around the street.
“Meyer?” a worried voice calls out, and Theo and I turn and find Dan McKenzie striding across the road in our direction.
“Oh no. Don't say a word about this and get rid of him,” Theo whispers, eating up the distance between us and grabbing my elbow as he looks at me with fear in his eyes.
“Can he see the—” I nod to the Demon, and Theo shakes his head.
“No, and Jordan still has his pendant, so it's just you and me,” he whispers back, ducking his head to whisper into my ear as Dan gets closer to us.
“Hey, get your hands off of her,” Dan hollers, his face set in a frown as he rushes over.
“Is this guy your boyfriend... or husband?” Theo asks, not letting go of my arm.
“No,” I whisper back, smiling at Dan in an attempt to keep him calm. “And what did I say about touching me without my permission?” I ask quietly through gritted teeth. Theo’s hand drops from my arm so fast that you would have thought I burned him, and I try not to grin. It looks like he doesn't want to be waddling everywhere today. Smart boy.
“Get rid of him, and I'll answer any questions you have. I’m guessing you're rather confused right now.” I nod and smile as Dan moves to step between Theo and me.
“Hey, Mr. McKenzie.”
“Meyer. Who the hell is this?” he asks, glaring at Theo and making the young man arch an amused brow in his direction.
“Her boyfriend,” Theo answers for me, and my jaw drops in shock.