He better keep his mouth shut!

I don’t know who this kid is talking to, but I don't want to get into the mix of things. Even though I wouldn't mind a few questions answered, I don't want to be thrust into anything that has to do with these people. I’m assuming that whoever this kid is, he belongs with the man that I saved last night. Their clothes are identical, and both of them can see the Demons like I can. Which, bonus points for me, means I'm not going crazy like I always feared.

“Nah, she looks like a civilian, but she could see the Demon and us. She even helped me push the damn thing off Jordan.” Pursing my lips, I glare at the kid and pivot on my heels, moving to return home where I know it's safe. I'm so over the last twenty-four hours, and something tells me that if I stick around here, it will only get worse.

“Shit! No, she's walking away,” I hear the boy say to whoever he's talking to, and I pick up my pace, electing to go to the diner instead of my house. It would be stupid to lead them to a place where no one can help me. Dashing across the street, I start to run for the diner, my heart racing when I hear footsteps running after me. “Fuck! Okay!” he yells into the phone, this time, his voice coming from right behind me.

How the crap is he so fast?

This time I run like there is a Demon on my heels. The kid is yelling something about me stopping while he chases me down.

Yeah… not happening.

I close in on the diner, my hand outstretched for the handle just as a big, warm hand clasps around my arm and yanks me off my feet. I’m pulled back into a firm chest, my teeth biting into my bottom lip from the force the young man grabs me with, startling me even more.

“What are you doing? Let me go!” I hiss, thrashing against the guy's hold as he grabs me by my waist and throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“Yeah, I can’t. Sorry,” he says, actually sounding somewhat apologetic as his arm clamps around the back of my thighs, keeping me in place as he strides back to where the other injured guy still lies. “The Cap says to keep you here until he can interrogate you. My name’s Theo, by the way,” the boy says, talking casually like kidnapping girls and throwing them over his shoulder is an everyday experience.

“I don't give a flying fuck who you are,” I seethe.

Blood rushes to my head as he waltzes us across the road. I use my fists and beat at his back, clawing at him in order to get free. Theo shouts, his grip loosening as I sink my teeth into his hip like a damn animal, and suddenly I'm falling to the ground, landing on my side with a painful thump.

Ouch! That hurt.

“What the hell?” Theo squeaks, his voice jumping up a few octaves like a prepubescent teen as he turns and glares at me while rubbing at his hip. “Was that necessary?” My mouth drops open, and I glare at the young man in front of me.

“Yes! I said to put me down,” I say in defense as I slowly climb to my feet, my hand reaching into my pocket to grab my blade again. I don't want to hurt the kid, but if he tries to do that over-the-shoulder bullshit again, then I need something to help protect myself. He may be young, but he has at least a couple of inches on me and is surprisingly strong. “Next time, listen when a girl says not to touch,” I add when he keeps glaring at me.

“Fine, but I need you to stay with me until Cap gets here,” the kid says, raising his hands in defeat and eyeing me like he's not sure if he will have to chase after me again.

“Not happening. I helped you; now I’m going home.”

Theo sighs and shakes his head. “Please?” he practically begs, his dark brown eyes reminding me of a little puppy. “I'm already gonna get shit for Jordan getting hurt; if you get away, Cap will beat my ass.”

I narrow my eyes on his pleading face and purse my lips. I really do want answers, but I’m starting to think that pretending Demons don't exist was a safer option for me. “Will you promise to let me go after I talk to… Cap?” I roll my eyes at the name the young man has been using.

What kind of name was Cap, anyway?

“Uhh, well…” Theo cringes, and that's all I need to know before I turn to run. I only make it two steps this time before I’m swung back up into Theo's arms, and he walks us back over to the dead Demon.


Tugging my knife from my pocket, I twist in Theo’s arms. I’m able to move enough that I press my blade to the base of his neck and watch as his brown eyes widen to a comical size as he swallows hard against the sharp edge of the blade.

“Look, Cap isn't going to hurt you. He just wants to know what bloodline you are from and why you are in this part of the country. There are no other Umbra Units stationed on this side of North America besides his, and it's a little weird that you are here. Are you a Ranger? Shouldn't you be heading upstate if you’re going in for training?”

“Training?” I vaguely recall Creed mentioning an Umbra Unit, and I pause. “Do you know Creed?” I can't help but ask, my mouth moving faster than my brain and the question spilling from my lips before I can think better of it.


I nod when Theo's brows pinch together, and he shakes his head.

“No. But he may be part of another Umbra Unit. Why are you dressed like a civilian?”

I sigh and shake my head. “Let me go, then we talk,” I offer. Theo frowns and shakes his head.

“Knife down, then I let you go,” he counters, and I growl under my breath.