Thoughts of his confession roll around in my head, and with each subtle glance or stolen moment, I’m questioning everything. How can he think I have the power when he’s the one that walked away?
And what did he mean when he said he never let me go? That he never quit me. Is he alluding to wanting me the entire time? To love?
My eyes catch his again, and the intensity of his stare answers my question. He’s not gazing at my face or my body;he’s staring into my soul, trying to convey so much with a single look.
And who am I kidding?He all but admitted he loved me, but I cut him off. Twice. I’m not ready to hear it. I’m terrified that if I let the words leave his mouth, I won’t be able to make the right choices. His confession will fog my brain.
And I need a clear head.
When the next song ends, my colleague Courtney taps me on the shoulder, before leaning in to whisper in my ear, making my pulse spike as a nervous energy flows through me.
My eyes lock on Thomas again, and he must see a shift in my mood because he raises a brow and abandons his current dance partner, his stare never wavering as he presumably waits for my move.
I curl my finger, summoning him over, butterflies swarming my stomach when he chuckles.
“Me?” he mouths, feigning shock as he moves through the crowd.
“Yes, you,” I whisper when he reaches me, and I pull him closer, a soft giggle escaping my lips. “My friends are sick of watching us, quote, ‘fuck each other with our eyes,’” I tell him, trying to keep the nerves out of my voice. “They want to see us dance.”
Thomas smiles as his eyes light up with mischief, but just when I think he’s going to say something teasing, he glides a hand around my waist, pulling me flush against him, his other hand clasping mine. “Then dance we will,” he says, spinning me around, and I hate that I instantly feel at home. Like being back in his arms is exactly where I belong.
“After all,” Thomas says, “it’s kind of our thing.”
We dance together for the next couple of songs, moving in sync, our eyes locked and my heart pounding in my chest.When I’m not a nanny, I’m here. I do this exact thing several times a week, for hours at a time, and yet there is nothing about this moment that’s even remotely the same. Everything feels different. His fingers heat my skin through my dress, his breath sends a shiver down my spine, his hold feels possessive yet gentle, and his eyes bore into my soul.
I’m consumed by him. Obsessed with him. Falling back into old patterns that I don’t want to fall into—not yet anyway, but it’s impossible to bring myself to care.
When we’re still dancing as the fourth song crescendos, I start to notice eyes on us, heated gazes, knowing smiles.
If I’m being honest, they could have been watching us for a long time, but not only has my body revolved around Thomas but my mind has too, the room around us barely on my radar.
Dropping Thomas’s hand, I grab his shoulder and lift to my toes, slowing our movements. “I think we’re drawing attention,” I whisper, my lips brushing against his ear.
Thomas’s grip on me tightens, his free hand falling to my hip, his fingers biting into my skin as he turns his head, his lips brushing my neck. “Let them look. I’m not ready to let you go.”
I close my eyes, his words rushing through me like a shot of adrenaline, but I have to break away. The more we dance, the more I forget about our problems, and I can’t let that happen.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper again as I pull back, dropping my hands. “I think we should go.”
“We?” Thomas asks, his tone even.
“Yeah, come on. If you’re ready to leave, I’ll give you a ride home.”
I’m bailing early. I usually finish around three a.m., but since Shauna told me I could leave hours ago, I figure she’ll be fine that I’m leaving at one. Especially considering I’m not contributing to the tips anyway.
And though I’m not sure I can give him anything tonight, I hope Thomas comes with me, and when he nods, I can’t stop the flutter in my stomach.
Tension runs through me as I gather my things, and when I find Thomas waiting at the door, his thumb running across his bottom lip, that tension intensifies, especially when his gaze travels over my body as I come to a stop in front of him, taking in my complete change of attire. Where before I was dressed to impress, now I’m dressed for comfort in my short shorts and loose-fitting shirt. Though from the way Thomas’s eyes darken, I’m not sure he agrees.
“You’re not making this easy on me, Lainey. Do those shorts even cover your ass?”
I bite back a smile as I spin around, letting him see for himself that they do.Just. And when I turn back to face him, his eyes snap to mine as he forces a smile. “Okay, you ready?”
We walk to the car in silence, and that quiet remains on the drive home. While I can’t say for sure what’s on Thomas’s mind, I’m almost certain that his trail of thoughts won’t be drifting too far from my own.Where do we go from here? And what happens if nothing changes this time around?
I come to no conclusions on the way to Dylan and Summer’s, but I know two things for sure—I need more time to think and I need more information.
As soon as we come to a stop in the driveway, I jump out of the car, determined to put a little space between us, but before I’ve had the chance to move, Thomas catches my hand, pulling me to a stop. “Wait, please.”